Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 88 57.9

line true false branch
194 0 210 unless (defined $$args{'scheduler_type'})
197 0 210 unless ($$self{'scheduler_type'} =~ /OrderedList|WRR|WeightedRandom/x)
204 0 210 if ($$args{'cache'})
241 0 420 unless ($self->_geocoder_module_is_compatible_with_plugin($module, $plugin))
248 0 420 if (exists $$self{'geocoders'}{$geocoder->get_name})
254 0 420 if ($@)
277 60 150 if (ref $filter_callback eq '')
291 0 210 if (defined $filter_callback and ref $filter_callback ne 'CODE')
329 84 126 if (ref $picker_callback eq '')
341 0 210 if (defined $picker_callback and ref $picker_callback ne 'CODE')
422 0 2100 unless (exists $$args{'location'})
427 2100 0 unless ($$args{'no_cache'})
432 0 2100 if (defined $response)
437 0 2100 unless (keys %{$$self{'geocoders'};})
456 572 3604 unless (defined $waiting_time)
462 0 3604 if ($waiting_time > 0 and $$args{'wait_for_retries'})
469 1193 2411 unless defined $geocoder
474 0 2411 if ($geocoder_name eq $previous_geocoder_name)
478 2411 0 unless $$args{'geocoders_to_skip'}
0 2411 if any sub { $geocoder_name eq $_; } , @{[] unless $$args{'geocoders_to_skip'};}
484 2411 0 if (defined $Response) { }
498 1205 1206 if ($self->_response_valid($Response))
506 269 936 if (@passed_responses == 0)
510 773 163 if (defined $$self{'picker_callback'}) { }
530 172 601 if (defined $picked)
547 1508 592 if (defined $$self{'picker_callback'} and not defined $accepted_response)
552 2100 0 unless ($$args{'no_cache'})
590 0 420 if ($plugin->can('_MIN_MODULE_VERSION'))
596 0 0 if (versioncmp($have_version, $min_version) < 0)
627 0 144 unless ref $name eq ''
633 144 43 if ($name =~ /$regex/)
649 0 2411 unless (defined $response)
661 332 873 unless (defined $$self{'filter_callback'})
676 1193 2411 if not defined $next or $next eq ''
714 280 140 if ($$self{'scheduler_type'} =~ /^(WRR|WeightedRandom)$/msx)
718 210 210 if ($$self{'use_timeouts'})
753 0 0 unless $cache_object->get('1234') eq 'test'
756 0 0 if (not $result or $@)
765 0 0 unless $cache_object->get('abc')->{'b'} == 2
768 0 0 if (not $result or $@)
787 0 2100 if ($location and $cache)
804 0 2100 if ($cache and $location)
807 0 0 if ($Response)
824 0 0 if ($$self{'normalize_code_ref'})