Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 78 20.5

line true false branch
178 8 0 unless (XXX)
190 0 8 if exists $opts{'exceptions'}
193 0 8 if defined $opts{'backoff_max'}
196 0 8 if defined $opts{'command_timeout'}
225 0 0 scalar @_ ? :
232 0 0 unless defined $js_map{$self->_js_str($js)}
234 0 0 unless my $sock = $self->_get_js_sock($js)
241 0 0 if ($err)
270 0 0 unless ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/)
303 0 0 unless $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S*)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)$/
333 0 0 if ($line =~ /^(\S+)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($client and $line =~ /^\s+(\S+)\s+(\S*)\s+(\S+)$/) { }
357 1 2 if (XXX) { }
359 0 1 unless $task->isa('Gearman::Task')
366 0 2 XXX ? :
367 0 2 unless XXX
405 0 0 $did_err ? :
436 0 1 unless $hookname
439 0 1 unless $hook
443 0 1 if $@
454 0 2 unless $hookname
456 1 1 if (@_) { }
476 0 0 unless $handle
488 0 0 unless $js
491 0 0 unless $sock
499 0 0 if ($res and $res->{'type'} eq 'error')
504 0 0 unless $res and $res->{'type'} eq 'status_res'
509 0 0 unless $args[0]
531 0 0 unless $res
533 0 0 if $res->{'type'} eq 'error'
534 0 0 if $res->{'type'} eq 'option_res'
549 0 0 if (my $sock = $self->_sock_cache($js, undef, 1))
550 0 0 if $sock->connected
555 0 0 if defined $disabled_until and $disabled_until > &Time::HiRes::time()
558 0 0 unless ($sock)
562 0 0 $disable_for > $max ? :
572 0 0 if ($self->{'exceptions'} and not $self->_option_request($sock, 'exceptions'))
586 10 0 unless $self->{'js_count'}
597 0 0 unless my $sock = &$getter($js)