Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 44 68.1

line true false branch
41 0 0 if (/^-Config=(.*?)$/)
87 1 16 unless defined $params and ref $params eq 'HASH'
92 1 15 unless $$params{'instance'}
147 14 0 if (not %main_config or $reload_config)
160 1 13 unless ($main_config{'instance'}{$instance})
172 1 12 if (ref($configure_via) =~ /ARRAY/) { }
5 7 elsif (not defined $configure_via) { }
186 1 13 unless $method
196 3 8 if ($main_config{'global'})
205 3 8 if ($shares and not ref $shares) { }
0 16 elsif ($shares and ref $shares eq 'ARRAY') { }
221 3 8 if (defined $location)
237 3 2 if (defined $location_hash)
274 1 14 unless (-e $file)
279 0 14 unless (-r $file)
285 0 0 unless ($ro or -w $file)
310 0 0 if ($@)
353 0 8 if ($@)
368 1 8 if ($@)
405 0 0 if ($@)
421 0 0 if ($@)
455 1 12 if $key eq 'use'