Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 108 41.6

line true false branch
16 24 6 @Games::Tournament::Swiss::Config::roles ? :
72 0 1762 unless &looks_like_number($round)
74 1744 18 unless $player->firstround
77 0 1762 if $absent and ref $absent eq 'ARRAY'
78 0 1762 if &any(sub { $_ eq $player->id; } , @absentids)
81 0 3524 unless ($player->$required)
86 0 1762 unless (defined $player->$recommended)
106 4770 614 if (&all(sub { defined $_->score; } , @players)) { }
108 0 15932 unless $b->score <=> $a->score or $b->rating <=> $a->rating or $a->title cmp $b->title
116 0 10027 unless $b->rating <=> $a->rating or $a->title cmp $b->title
200 0 0 unless grep {$key eq $_;} @otherroles
202 0 0 if (not @roles) { }
207 0 0 unless @roles == @otherroles
209 0 0 unless $roles[$i] eq $otherroles[$i]
211 0 0 if $test
236 0 41 unless %roundGames
243 126 573 unless $game and $game->can('contestants')
244 68 505 if $other->myOpponent($game) == $player
248 41 0 if wantarray
280 0 0 unless keys %$contestants == 1 and $result->{'Bye'} =~ /Bye/i or $$result{('White', 'Black')[0]} and $$result{('White', 'Black')[1]} and $$result{('White', 'Black')[0]} eq 'Win' && $$result{('White', 'Black')[1]} eq 'Loss' || $$result{('White', 'Black')[0]} eq 'Loss' && $$result{('White', 'Black')[1]} eq 'Win' || $$result{('White', 'Black')[0]} eq 'Draw' && $$result{('White', 'Black')[1]} eq 'Draw'
304 0 0 if exists $games->{$id}{$_}
330 0 0 unless $card and $card->isa('Games::Tournament::Card')
335 0 0 unless $_ eq ('White', 'Black')[0] or $_ eq ('White', 'Black')[1]
0 0 unless grep {$_ eq 'Bye' unless $_ eq ('White', 'Black')[0] or $_ eq ('White', 'Black')[1];} keys %$results
338 0 0 if not $card or $@
341 0 0 unless $result =~ /^(?:Win|Loss|Draw|Bye|Forfeit)/i
344 0 0 if defined $scores
362 70 74 int rand 2 ? :
363 70 74 $evenRole eq ('White', 'Black')[0] ? :
379 71 241 if (defined $play) { }
191 50 elsif ($self->{'play'}) { }
394 1983 10329 if (defined $entrants) { }
10233 96 elsif ($self->{'entrants'}) { }
410 0 1956 if (defined $absentees) { }
0 1956 elsif ($self->{'absentees'}) { }
426 134 1991 if (defined $round) { }
187 1804 elsif ($self->{'round'}) { }
443 0 0 if (defined $rounds) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'rounds'}) { }
477 0 0 if (defined $idcheck{$id})
480 0 0 if (defined $namecheck{$name})
505 0 0 if (defined $idcheck{$id})
527 0 0 if (defined $namecheck{$name})
578 0 0 unless @states
583 0 0 unless ($strings and ref $strings eq 'ARRAY')
604 0 133 unless @states
611 108 25 if (defined $tailpos{$state}) { }
25 0 elsif ($report{$state}) { }
642 0 6855 unless $message
646 180 6675 if &any(sub { $_ eq $method; } , @loggable)
663 12460 0 unless (@states)
668 0 0 unless exists $logged{$state}
709 0 0 unless (@states)
718 0 0 unless defined $logged{$state}