Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 28 82.1

line true false branch
100 4 14 if ($_[0] eq '') { }
111 4 14 if ($self->isPass($_[0])) { }
122 2 7 if ($self->isPass($_[0])) { }
139 44 8 if ($_ ge 'a' and $_ le 'z') { }
8 0 elsif ($_ ge 'A' and $_ le 'Z') { }
153 0 28 if @$struct <= 0
155 0 56 if (/\D/)
158 0 56 if ($_ < 0 or $_ > 52)
170 22 4 if ($_ < 26) { }
200 1 25 if ($self->isPoint($_[0])) { }
208 1 37 if ($self->isMove($_[0])) { }
216 1 1 if ($self->isStone($_[0])) { }
239 27 0 if ($self->isMove($move))
240 6 21 if ($$move[0] eq '')