Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
12 0 0 unless my $height = $options{'height'} || $options{'size'}
13 0 0 unless my $width = $options{'width'} || $options{'size'}
39 0 0 if $@
57 0 0 unless $line =~ /^[\d,]+$/
61 0 0 unless ref $clue
66 0 0 if @clues
81 0 0 @_ ? :
91 0 0 if ($self->debug)
99 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
111 0 0 if $clue->is_done and not $clue->line->is_dirty
128 0 0 if $clue->is_done and not $clue->line->is_dirty
141 0 0 if $self->is_dirty
142 0 0 if $self->is_done
144 0 0 if (not $mode) { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'more') { }
151 0 0 if ($self->answers)
163 0 0 if defined $_
0 0 unless $self->stash->{'answers'}
171 0 0 unless $clue->is_done
173 0 0 unless ($$self{'has_answers'})
184 0 0 if ($self->debug)
191 0 0 if ($self->debug)
193 0 0 if $before ne $after
200 0 0 unless $clue->value($id) != $value
202 0 0 if $self->debug
206 0 0 if $self->debug