Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 102 113 90.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
93 0 136 5 $ref->{'die_mod'} and $ref->{'die_mod'} eq 'avg'
106 0 89 47 $ref->{'die_mod'} and $ref->{'die_mod'} eq 'r'
110 35 10 2 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num
10 24 11 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt'
34 4 7 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
10 4 24 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt'
14 18 6 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
127 0 36 53 $ref->{'die_mod'} and $ref->{'die_mod'} eq 'x'
131 31 20 2 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num
20 17 14 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt'
37 10 4 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
20 10 17 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt'
30 11 6 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
151 0 0 36 $ref->{'die_mod'} and $ref->{'die_mod'} eq 'cs'
157 24 10 2 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num
10 12 12 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt'
22 8 4 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
10 8 12 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt'
18 8 4 defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
177 22 0 6 $ref->{'res_mod'} and $ref->{'res_mod'} =~ /^(?:kh|kl|dh|dl)$/
258 61 30 7 $result->{'die_mod'} and $result->{'die_mod'} eq 'avg'
264 61 26 9 $result->{'die_mod'} and $result->{'die_mod'} eq 'cs'
270 61 19 12 $result->{'die_mod'} and $result->{'die_mod'} eq 'x'
275 61 20 9 $result->{'die_mod'} and $result->{'die_mod'} eq 'r'
279 80 0 10 $result->{'comp_mod'} and $result->{'comp_mod'} =~ /^(?:gt|lt)$/
283 63 0 27 $result->{'res_mod'} and $result->{'res_mod'} =~ /^(?:kh|kl|dh|dl)$/
291 40 0 49 $result->{'res_sum'} and $result->{'res_sum'} =~ /^[+-]\d+$/
292 39 10 0 defined $result->{'die_mod'} and $result->{'die_mod'} eq 'cs'
374 434 308 0 defined $result->{$key} and $debug

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
21 6 5 $opts{'sub_rand'} // sub { rand $_[0]; }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
110 2 7 38 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
7 6 32 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
131 2 4 47 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
4 6 41 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
157 2 4 30 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num
4 4 26 not defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $single_res == $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'lt' and $single_res < $comp_num or defined $ref->{'comp_mod'} and $ref->{'comp_mod'} eq 'gt' and $single_res > $comp_num
184 2 1 3 $ref->{'res_mod'} eq 'kh' or $ref->{'res_mod'} eq 'kl'
204 1 2 3 $ref->{'res_mod'} eq 'dh' or $ref->{'res_mod'} eq 'dl'