Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 78 0.0

line true false branch
35 0 0 if defined $board
46 0 0 $$self{'occup_map'} & 1 << $loc ? :
52 0 0 $$self{'color_map'} & 1 << $loc ? :
58 0 0 $$self{'piece_map'} & 1 << $loc ? :
111 0 0 $self->piece($loc) == Pawn ? :
117 0 0 $self->piece($loc) == Pawn ? :
120 0 0 if $white_pawns + $white_kings == 0
121 0 0 if $black_pawns + $black_kings == 0
124 0 0 $turn == White ? :
143 0 0 if $beat
145 0 0 if (convert_type->[$color][$piece] & 1 << $dst)
156 0 0 unless defined $locd
158 0 0 unless ($self->occup($loc))
164 0 0 $self->piece($loc) == Pawn ? :
170 0 0 if $locd != NL and $locd != $loc2
171 0 0 if $self->figure_between($loc, $loc2) != NL
172 0 0 unless $self->occup($loc2)
181 0 0 unless defined $locd
183 0 0 unless ($self->occup($loc))
189 0 0 $self->piece($loc) == Pawn ? :
195 0 0 if $locd != NL and $locd != $loc2
197 0 0 if $loc1 == NL or $loc1 == ML
198 0 0 unless $self->occup($loc2) or not $self->occup($loc1) or $self->color($loc1) == $color
209 0 0 if $self->can_piece_step($iterator->next)
219 0 0 if $self->can_piece_beat($iterator->next)
239 0 0 if ($loc == $dst)
240 0 0 $figures == 1 ? :
0 0 $figures > 1 ? :
242 0 0 if ($self->occup($loc))
275 0 0 if $prefix =~ /^\d+$/
321 0 0 $ENV{'DUMB_CHARS'} ? :
334 0 0 if (($i + $j) % 2) { }
338 0 0 $is_king ? :
0 0 $is_king ? :
0 0 $self->white($loc) ? :
0 0 if $self->occup($loc)
340 0 0 $self->white($loc) ? :
0 0 if $self->occup($loc)
349 0 0 if $i != $size_1