Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 48 93.7

line true false branch
47 8 68 if ($self->{'payoff1'} and $self->{'payoff2'}) { }
75 8 8 if ($self->{'payoff1'} and $self->{'payoff2'}) { }
94 2 2 if ($self->{'payoff1'} and $self->{'payoff2'}) { }
114 1 2 $player == 1 ? :
123 3 7 if $seen{join $", @$strategies}++
159 16 20 if ($val == $min)
171 5 11 if ($val == $max)
189 0 1 unless $rsize == 2 and $csize == 2
229 7 18 if $r == $row
234 30 24 $self->{'payoff'}[$row][$x] <= $self->{'payoff'}[$r][$x] ? :
237 3 15 if (&all(sub { $_ == 1; } , @cmp))
266 10 24 if $r == $row
271 38 34 $transposed->[$row][$x] >= $transposed->[$r][$x] ? :
274 3 21 if (&all(sub { $_ == 1; } , @cmp))
299 6 0 if exists $self->{$player}{$row + 1}
310 1 1 if ($self->{'payoff1'} and $self->{'payoff2'}) { }
331 1 1 $s{$row} == $mm_tally->{'2'}{'value'} ? :
355 2 2 $s{$row} == $mm_tally->{'2'}{'value'} ? :
380 2 3 $s{$row} == $mm_tally->{$player}{'value'} ? :
409 16 48 if $r == $row and $c == $col or $seen{"$r,$c"}++
415 8 40 if ($p >= $self->{'payoff1'}[$r][$c] and $q >= $self->{'payoff2'}[$r][$c])
458 10 26 if ($p == $cmax and $q == $rmax)
484 2 2 exists $self->{'payoff'} && $self->{'payoff'} ? :
496 0 8 if 0 == &sum0(@$weights)