Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 46 95.6

line true false branch
43 0 5 if $command and not $command =~ /^(j|k|l|h|.)$/
47 3 2 unless $$objects{$_PLAYER_ID}->can_move($command)
51 2 10 if $key eq $_PLAYER_ID
83 120 1914 if ($char eq "\n") { }
595 1319 elsif ($char eq '.') { }
18 1301 elsif ($char eq '@') { }
82 1219 elsif ($char =~ /^(R|L|V|H|J)$/) { }
132 17 11 if ($char and $char ne '#')
158 3 2 $self->count_feeds == 0 ? :
159 4 1 $$self{'_timelimit'} >= $self->get_current_time ? :
161 2 3 $feeds_result && $time_result ? :
172 35 31 if ($_)
173 161 189 $_ ? :
183 0 4 if (ref $point ne 'Game::TextPacMonster::Point')
187 3 1 if ($$self{'_map_feeds'}[$point->y_coord][$point->x_coord])
212 4 18 if $key eq $_PLAYER_ID
225 97 211 $_ eq ' ' && $$feeds[$y][$x] ? :
248 2 6 if $$self{'_timelimit'} <= $$self{'_current_time'}
255 5 10 if $key eq $_PLAYER_ID
260 9 1 if ($player_pre_p and $enemy_pre_p)
261 1 8 if ($player_p->equals($enemy_pre_p) and $player_pre_p->equals($enemy_p))
268 1 8 if $player_p->equals($enemy_p)
289 36 32 if $char and $char ne '#'