Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 40 10.0

line true false branch
186 1 1 if ($type eq 'hex') { }
291 0 0 if (($x, $y, $text) = /^(\d\d)(\d\d)\s+(.*)/u) { }
0 0 elsif (($points, $text) = /^(-?\d\d-?\d\d(?:--?\d\d-?\d\d)+)\s+(.*)/u) { }
292 0 0 if not defined $minx or $x < $minx
293 0 0 if not defined $miny or $y < $miny
294 0 0 if not defined $maxx or $x > $maxx
295 0 0 if not defined $maxy or $y > $maxy
297 0 0 if $empty
317 0 0 if (ref $_) { }
319 0 0 if (ref $it eq 'Game::TextMapper::Point') { }
320 0 0 if ($it->x <= $maxx and $it->x >= $minx and $it->y <= $maxy and $it->y >= $miny)
326 0 0 if $_->x <= $maxx and $_->x >= $minx and $_->y <= $maxy
329 0 0 unless $outside
337 0 0 if ($empty)
341 0 0 unless ($seen{$point->coordinates})
349 0 0 unless ref $b cmp ref $a or not ref $a || ref $b and $a cmp $b or ref $Game::TextMapper::b->[0] cmp ref $Game::TextMapper::a->[0] or ref $Game::TextMapper::a->[0] eq "Game::TextMapper::Point" and $Game::TextMapper::a->[0]->cmp($Game::TextMapper::b->[0]) or ref $Game::TextMapper::a->[0] eq "Game::TextMapper::Line" and $Game::TextMapper::a->[0]->points->[0]->cmp($Game::TextMapper::b->[0]->points->[0]) || $Game::TextMapper::a->[0]->points->[1]->cmp($Game::TextMapper::b->[0]->points->[1])
366 0 0 if (ref $_) { }
368 0 0 if (ref $it eq 'Game::TextMapper::Point') { }
405 1 1 if ($type eq 'hex') { }
458 0 0 if ($type eq 'hex') { }