Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 130 0.0

line true false branch
355 0 0 if $ent->[6]
358 0 0 if $here->[1] == 22 or $ent->[2] == 3 and $$LMap[$here->[1]][$here->[0]][1][0] == 6 or $$LMap[$here->[1] + 1][$here->[0]][1][0] == 5
363 0 0 unless interact($ent, $dest)
364 0 0 if ($ent->[0] == 0)
365 0 0 if ($ent->[5][1][0] == 6) { }
382 0 0 if @_
388 0 0 if ($value < $min) { }
0 0 elsif ($value > $max) { }
401 0 0 if (defined $lmc->[3]) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $lmc->[2]) { }
426 0 0 if $lmc->[1][2] == 8
440 0 0 if $start eq $end
449 0 0 if ($node eq $end)
456 0 0 if (not exists $seen{$new} or $cost < $costs{$new})
468 0 0 unless $linked
480 0 0 if bad_terminal()
498 0 0 if bad_terminal()
505 0 0 if @RedrawA
506 0 0 if $Animates[0][4]->() == 2
509 0 0 if not $ent->[6] and defined $ent->[4]
535 0 0 if ($ent->[0] == 1) { }
554 0 0 if $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c][1][0] == 5
556 0 0 if ($c != 22 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c][1][0] == 6 || $$LMap[$r + 1][$c][1][0] == 5 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c + 1][1][0] == 6 || $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c + 1][1][0] != 5 && $$LMap[$r + 1][$c + 1][1][0] == 5)
567 0 0 if ($r > 0)
569 0 0 if ($Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c][1][0] == 6 and $$LMap[$r - 1][$c][1][0] == 6) { }
0 0 elsif ($Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c][1][0] == 6 or $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$c][1][0] == 4 and $$LMap[$r + 1][$c][1][0] == 5) { }
584 0 0 if $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[22][$c][1][0] == 5
585 0 0 if ($Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[22][$c][1][0] == 6 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[21][$c][1][0] == 6) { }
591 0 0 if ($c != 22)
601 0 0 if $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c][1][0] == 5
603 0 0 if ($Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c][1][0] == 6)
604 0 0 if ($weight == 1) { }
613 0 0 if ($c != 0 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c - 1][1][0] == 6 || $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c - 1][1][0] == 4 && $$LMap[$x + 1][$c - 1][1][0] == 5)
623 0 0 if ($c != 22 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c + 1][1][0] == 6 || $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$x][$c + 1][1][0] == 4 && $$LMap[$x + 1][$c + 1][1][0] == 5)
647 0 0 if (defined $target)
659 0 0 unless defined $no_draw
669 0 0 unless -e $file
671 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
680 0 0 if length $line != 23
685 0 0 if (exists $Things{$c}) { }
686 0 0 if ($c eq 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($c eq 3) { }
696 0 0 if ($c eq 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($c eq 1) { }
697 0 0 if defined $Animates[0][5]
712 0 0 if ++$rownum == 23
714 0 0 if $rownum < 23
715 0 0 unless defined $Animates[0][5]
760 0 0 unless &first(sub { $_->[0] eq $to; } , @{$Graphs[$Rotation]{$from}})
764 0 0 unless interact($ent, $dest)
782 0 0 if (defined $x)
792 0 0 if $key eq "\e"
794 0 0 if (ord $key < 97)
868 0 0 $name =~ s/oo/ee/u ? :
885 0 0 if (defined $ent and not $ent->[6])
945 0 0 if $row == 22 or $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$row][$col][1][0] == 6
949 0 0 if $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$col][1][0] == 5
950 0 0 if ($Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$col][1][0] == 6 or $r < 21 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$col][1][0] == 4 and $$LMap[$r + 1][$col][1][0] == 5 or $r == 22 and $Game::PlatformsOfPeril::LMap->[$r][$col][1][0] == 4)
970 0 0 if exists $Key_Commands{$key}
974 0 0 if $ret != 0
991 0 0 if ($mrow != 22 and $ent->[5][1][0] == 4 and $$LMap[$mrow + 1][$mcol][1][0] != 5)
998 0 0 unless defined $dest
1000 0 0 unless interact($ent, $dest)
1002 0 0 if ($ent->[3][0] > 0 and not defined $ent->[5][2])
1004 0 0 if (rand() < $ent->[3][1])