Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 49 78 62.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
83 10467 0 9042 $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xpos, $ypos}{'state'} and not $state
89 54252 18084 9042 $xx == $xpos and $yy == $ypos
101 9042 11 10456 not $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xpos, $ypos}{'state'} and $state
103 10238 218 0 $state > 1 and $$self{'color'} < 1
10317 139 0 $state > 2 and $$self{'color'} < 2
116 62736 20912 10456 $xx == $xpos and $yy == $ypos
177 0 1 1 $$ftype{'format'} eq 'Life' and $$ftype{'version'} eq '1.05'
0 0 1 $$ftype{'format'} eq 'Life' and $$ftype{'version'} eq '1.06'
287 0 0 1048 defined $$self{'usedCells'} && $$self{'usedCells'} > 0
305 67101 12759 9042 $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'state'} > 0 and not $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'neighbours'}{'total'} ~~ $$self{'liveRules'}
12759 58061 9040 $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'state'} == 0 and $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'neighbours'}{'total'} ~~ $$self{'breedRules'}
12759 48751 9310 $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'state'} == 0 and $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'neighbours'}{'total'} == 0
402 209 0 10 $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'snapshot'} eq $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'snapshot'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'minx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'minx'}
209 0 10 $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'snapshot'} eq $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'snapshot'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'minx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'minx'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'maxx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'maxx'}
0 0 10 $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'snapshot'} eq $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'snapshot'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'minx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'minx'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'maxx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'maxx'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'miny'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'miny'}
0 0 10 $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'snapshot'} eq $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'snapshot'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'minx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'minx'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'maxx'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'maxx'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'miny'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'miny'} and $$self{'snapshots'}{$ogenString}{'maxy'} == $$self{'snapshots'}{$lgenString}{'maxy'}
459 118 338 68 $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'state'} == 0 and $$self{'cells'}{join $;, $xx, $yy}{'neighbours'}{'total'} == 0
561 0 0 195 $input =~ /^(\.|\*)/ and $posState == 1
677 0 1 0 $xc =~ /x=/ and $yc =~ /y=/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
103 0 0 10456 $state > 1 and $$self{'color'} < 1 or $state > 2 and $$self{'color'} < 2
0 0 10456 $state > 1 and $$self{'color'} < 1 or $state > 2 and $$self{'color'} < 2 or $state > 4
0 0 10456 $state > 1 and $$self{'color'} < 1 or $state > 2 and $$self{'color'} < 2 or $state > 4 or $state < 0
507 1 1 13 $line =~ /^#Life 1.05/ or $line =~ /^#Life 1.06/
2 0 13 $line =~ /^#Life 1.05/ or $line =~ /^#Life 1.06/ or $line =~ /^#MCell/
659 0 0 19 $input =~ /^#P / or $input =~ /^#R /
775 1 0 0 $rules ne '' or $headRules ne ''