Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 81 115 70.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
336 433 18121 17828 $translation->{$en} and $lang eq "de"
511 22 1 43 $char->{$id} and not defined $$char{"$id-bonus"}
515 4 0 7 $char->{'cha'} and not defined $char->{'reaction'}
524 4 0 7 $char->{'thac0'} and not defined $char->{'melee-thac0'}
527 4 0 7 $char->{'thac0'} and not defined $char->{'range-thac0'}
530 4 0 7 $char->{'thac0'} and not defined $char->{'other-thac0'}
815 43 11 4 good($str) and $hp > 6
54 4 0 good($str) and $hp > 6 and not $shield
876 200 29 75 $class eq T('fighter') || $class eq T('elf') and average($dex)
1775 81 167 54 average($con) and $best eq "str"
65 100 83 average($int) and good($str, $dex)
165 37 46 average($int) and good($str, $dex) and d6() > 2
132 31 39 average($str, $dex, $con) == 3 and good($str, $dex, $con)
163 13 26 average($str, $dex, $con) == 3 and good($str, $dex, $con) and d6() > 2
51 105 20 average($str, $dex, $con) >= 2 and $best eq 'str' || $best eq 'con'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
349 9 4 $char->{'charsheet'} || 'Charactersheet.svg'
446 143 12 $char->{$key} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
391 0 0 495 $tag eq "strong" or $tag eq "b"
0 0 495 $tag eq "em" or $tag eq "i"
565 0 0 304 $class eq T("hireling") or $class eq T("porter")
576 0 1 304 $xp or $level > 1
1 0 304 $xp or $level > 1 or not $class
861 54 0 250 $class eq T("dwarf") or member(T("battle axe"), @property)
876 58 46 200 $class eq T('fighter') || $class eq T('elf')
946 0 0 7 $class eq T("dwarf") or $class eq T("halfling")
1049 4928 0 4 not defined $char->{$key} or $char->{$key} eq ""
1737 0 0 305 $class eq T('hireling') || $class eq T('porter')
1764 0 0 305 $class eq T("hireling") or $class eq T("porter")
1775 7 18 100 $best eq 'str' || $best eq 'con'
25 7 144 average($str, $dex, $con) >= 2 and $best eq 'str' || $best eq 'con' or good($str, $dex, $con) >= 2
1808 58 54 193 $class eq T("fighter") or $class eq T("dwarf")
46 26 121 $class eq T("elf") or $class eq T("halfling")
1822 72 46 187 $class eq T("magic-user") or $class eq T("elf")
1829 0 0 305 $class eq T("hireling") or $class eq T("porter")
1890 0 0 0 $char->{'gender'} || $names{$char->{'name'}}
1891 0 0 0 $char->{'class'} eq T("elf") or $char->{'race'} eq T("elf")
0 0 0 $char->{'class'} eq T("dwarf") or $char->{'race'} eq T("dwarf")
1955 0 36 104 /starting gold:/u or /gold$/u
1956 0 36 68 /Startgold:/u or /Gold$/u