Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 64 12.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
102 0 0 $self->become_daemon and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
127 0 0 0 not $pid and my $pidfile = $self->pidfile
310 1 0 0 -e '/var/lib/cloud/data/previous-instance-id' && &head('')
465 0 0 0 $state eq 'fulfilled' and $instance
0 0 0 $state eq 'fulfilled' and $instance and $instance->instanceState eq 'running'
504 0 0 0 ref $v and ref $v eq 'ARRAY'
708 0 1 0 exists $self->{'options'}{'LOAD TABLE'} and exists $self->{'options'}{'SLAVE'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
177 0 0 $self->option('SLAVE', 'region') || 'us-east-1'
304 0 0 $self->option('MASTER', 'server_status_url') || 'http://localhost/server-status'
355 0 0 $self->{'running_slaves'} ||= {}
381 0 0 $self->{'pending_requests'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
39 0 0 1 $args{-'access_key'} ||= $ENV{'EC2_ACCESS_KEY'}
40 0 0 1 $args{-'secret_key'} ||= $ENV{'EC2_SECRET_KEY'}
51 0 1 0 ref $class || $class
70 0 0 0 $self->{'access_key'} ||= $self->_prompt('Enter your EC2 access key:')
71 0 0 0 $self->{'secret_key'} ||= $self->_prompt('Enter your EC2 secret key:')
236 0 0 0 $key ||= $self->option('SLAVE', 'ssh_key')
246 0 0 0 $sg ||= $ec2->create_security_group(-'name', "GBROWSE_SLAVE_$$", -'description', 'Temporary security group for slave communications')
291 0 1 0 $ip ||= $self->_get_external_ip
405 0 0 0 $self->{'pr'} ||= 'Parse::Apache::ServerStatus'->new('url', $self->master_server_status_url)
572 1 0 0 not $self->{'pid'} or $self->{'pid'} != $$
615 0 0 0 $self->{'staging'} ||= $ec2->staging_manager(-'on_exit', 'run', -'verbose', 3)
773 0 1 0 $self->{'instance_metadata'} ||= 'VM::EC2::Instance::Metadata'->new