Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 56 72 77.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
41 42 703 326 $self->is_ready and $self->failure
745 222 104 $self->is_ready and $self->failure and not $failure_handled_for{$id}
49 0 0 16 blessed $f and $f->can('_q_warn_failure')
63 0 0 120 $self->is_ready and $self->failure
68 3 0 117 defined $OnError and ref $OnError eq 'CODE'
85 25 42 96 scalar @results == 1 and blessed($results[0])
67 0 96 scalar @results == 1 and blessed($results[0]) and $results[0]->isa('Future')
103 196 127 4 defined $on_fulfilled and ref $on_fulfilled ne 'CODE'
106 168 158 1 defined $on_rejected and ref $on_rejected ne 'CODE'
120 104 38 79 $invo_future->is_rejected and defined $on_rejected
38 50 54 $invo_future->is_fulfilled and defined $on_fulfilled
127 133 16 178 $next_future->is_pending and $self->is_pending
130 0 83 12 defined $invo_future and $invo_future->is_pending
150 3 4 307 @result == 1 and blessed($result[0])
7 0 307 @result == 1 and blessed($result[0]) and $result[0]->isa('Future')
180 0 43 14 defined $weak_base and not $weak_base->is_ready
202 1 346 296 $self->is_ready && !!$self->failure
211 0 99 0 blessed $sub and $sub->can('_q_set_failure_handled')
235 10 13 13 not $returned_future->is_cancelled and $returned_future->failure
244 0 0 2 defined $weak_returned and not $weak_returned->is_ready
251 0 9 1 defined $weak_invo and not $weak_invo->is_ready

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
78 1 6 186 not defined $func or ref $func ne 'CODE'
197 1 39 240 $self->is_pending || $self->is_cancelled || $self->is_rejected
222 0 0 53 not defined $callback or ref $callback ne 'CODE'