Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 38 50.0

line true false branch
14 0 0 if $params{'no_category'}{'network'}
33 0 0 if isSameNetwork($default, $interface->{'IPADDRESS'}, $interface->{'IPMASK'})
65 0 0 $lanadminInfo->{'Speed'} > 1000000 ? :
67 0 0 if ($ifStatNrv{$prototype->{'DESCRIPTION'}}) { }
73 0 0 unless $prototype->{$key}
94 0 0 if ($interface->{'IPADDRESS'} and $interface->{'IPADDRESS'} eq '') { }
112 0 3 unless $handle
116 0 51 unless $line =~ /^ 0x($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::alt_mac_address_pattern) \s (\S+) \s \S+ \s+ (\S+) /x
144 0 4 unless $handle
148 28 136 unless $line =~ /^(\S.+\S) \s+ = \s (.+)$/x
158 0 2 unless $handle
162 2 2 if ($line =~ /
165 2 2 if ($line =~ /inet ($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::ip_address_pattern)/)
168 2 2 if ($line =~ /netmask ($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::hex_ip_address_pattern)/)
180 0 2 unless $handle
184 8 46 unless $line =~ /^ (\w+) \s+ (\w+) \s+ 0x($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::alt_mac_address_pattern) \s+ (\w+) \s+ (\w*) /x
217 0 4 unless $handle
221 23 11 unless $line =~ m[^ ($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::ip_address_pattern) # address / ($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::ip_address_pattern) # mask \s+ ($FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::HPUX::Networks::ip_address_pattern) # gateway \s+ [A-Z]* H [A-Z]* # host flag \s+ \d \s+ (\w+) (?: :\d+)? # interface name, with optional alias \s+ (\d+) # MTU $]x
239 0 11 $3 ne $1 ? :