Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
12 0 0 if $params{'no_category'}{'network'}
23 0 0 if $$interface{'IPGATEWAY'}
25 0 0 if $$interface{'dns'}
28 0 0 if $$interface{'IPADDRESS'}
51 0 0 unless defined $deviceId
60 0 0 if $subkey_name =~ m[^/]
63 0 0 unless $$subkey{'Connection/'} and $$subkey{'Connection/'}{'/PnpInstanceID'} and $$subkey{'Connection/'}{'/PnpInstanceID'} eq $deviceId
68 0 0 $subtype eq '0x00000002' ? :
0 0 $subtype eq '0x00000001' ? :
0 0 !defined($subtype) ? :