Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 100 45.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
236 17 0 6 $scheme ne 'http' and $scheme ne 'https'
265 61 0 0 $proxy and $no_proxy
375 0 3 0 not $content_is_fh and ref $content
408 60 0 0 $proxy && $scheme eq 'http'
478 0 0 3 $in_keepalive and length $buf == 0
0 3 0 $in_keepalive and length $buf == 0 and defined $n || $! == 104 || 0
520 0 0 0 $max_redirects && $res_status =~ /^30[1237]$/
542 8 48 1 defined $content_length and not $content_length =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/
546 55 0 0 $res_status < 200 and $res_status >= 100
574 10 38 6 $res_minor_version == 0 ? $connection eq 'keep-alive' : $connection ne 'close' and defined $content_length || $chunked
587 0 0 0 defined $username && defined $password
659 0 0 0 $! == 4 and not $self->{'stop_if'}->()
887 0 0 6 $nfound == -1 and $! == 4
0 3 3 $nfound == -1 and $! == 4 and $self->{'stop_if'}->()

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
71 2 30 $args{'capture_request'} || 0
215 0 8 $ENV{'NO_PROXY'} || ''
324 10 50 $args{'method'} || 'GET'
468 0 60 $args{'special_headers'} || {}
478 0 3 defined $n || $! == 104 || 0
652 36 0 $! == 115 or 0
918 58 0 $! == 11 or $! == 11 or 0
939 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 11 or 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
44 1 31 0 delete $args{'agent'} || 'Furl::HTTP/' . $VERSION
157 0 0 0 $library ||= do { local $_ = $file; s/ \.pm \z//msx; s[/][::]g; $_ }
214 1 0 3 $ENV{'http_proxy'} || $ENV{'HTTP_PROXY'} || $self->{'proxy'}
546 1 0 55 $method eq 'HEAD' or $res_status < 200 and $res_status >= 100
0 3 52 $method eq 'HEAD' or $res_status < 200 and $res_status >= 100 or $res_status == 204
3 3 49 $method eq 'HEAD' or $res_status < 200 and $res_status >= 100 or $res_status == 204 or $res_status == 304
556 0 1 41 ref $res_content or not defined $content_length
574 38 6 0 defined $content_length || $chunked
616 0 0 0 $res_status eq '301' || $res_status eq '307'
645 0 0 1 $err_reason || $!
690 0 0 0 exists $ssl_opts->{'SSL_ca_file'} or exists $ssl_opts->{'SSL_ca_path'}
834 1 0 6 not defined $res_content_length or $res_content_length != $nread
918 58 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 11
939 0 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 11