Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 42 78.5

line true false branch
15 65 7 if (defined $s and length $s > 0)
24 2 102 unless $s
30 9 48 unless $s
36 0 0 unless $s
42 0 14 unless $s
43 7 7 unless $s =~ /^\d+\.\d+$|^-\d+\.\d+$/
48 0 0 unless $s
54 0 7 unless $s
58 6 1 if ($@)
63 5 2 if ($@)
68 4 3 if ($@)
78 0 5 unless $s
82 3 2 if ($@)
87 1 4 if ($@)
92 1 4 if ($@)
102 0 5 unless $s
108 2 9 unless $s
115 5 4 if ($len == 0 or $len >= $min and $len <= $max) { }
126 1 2 if (length $integer_value <= $integer and length $decimal_value <= $decimal) { }
135 4 5 if ($s >= $min and $s <= $max) { }
144 0 7 unless $s