Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 66 45.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
46 0 0 4 defined $data1 and defined $data2
67 8 5 4 $min <= $length && $length <= $max
163 2 0 2 Date::Calc::check_date($year, $month, $day) && Date::Calc::check_time($hour, $min, $sec)
210 0 6 2 defined $param and $param ne ''
234 0 0 3 defined $target and $target =~ /$regex/
248 0 0 3 defined $target and $target =~ /$regex/
262 0 0 3 defined $target and $target =~ /$regex/
277 0 0 5 defined $start and $start =~ /$regex/
0 0 5 defined $start and $start =~ /$regex/ and defined $end
0 0 5 defined $start and $start =~ /$regex/ and defined $end and $end =~ /$regex/
283 0 2 3 $data >= $start && $data <= $end
296 0 0 4 $digit1 =~ /^\d+$/ and $digit2 =~ /^\d+$/
309 0 1 3 defined $param and $param ne ''
346 0 0 0 $dt and $self->options->{'time_zone'}
371 0 0 0 $dt and $self->options->{'time_zone'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
111 0 2 $self->options->{'datetime_class'} || ''
149 4 0 $hour ||= 0
150 4 0 $min ||= 0
151 4 0 $sec ||= 0
160 4 0 $hour ||= 0
161 4 0 $min ||= 0
162 4 0 $sec ||= 0
167 0 2 $self->options->{'datetime_class'} || ''
295 4 0 $$args[1] || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 9 8 0 $$args[1] || $min