Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 44 90.9

line true false branch
101 16 280 if ($self->coerce and ref $self->coerce ne "CODE")
105 2 14 unless $self->has_type and ($t->can("coerce") and $t->can("has_coercion") and $t->has_coercion)
110 12 282 if ($self->has_default)
113 4 8 if scalar grep({$_;} @{$self->get_name_path->meta_arrays;})
129 62 290 if ($coerce)
131 29 33 if (ref $coerce eq 'CODE') { }
139 3 59 if ($error)
140 0 3 $self->has_message ? :
159 8 273 if $self->is_subform
162 254 27 unless $self->is_adjusted
170 0 20 unless $self->has_default
174 1 19 if ($self->is_subform)
176 0 1 unless $subform->check($default)
191 207 145 if ($self->has_type)
192 8 199 if ($self->has_message) { }
193 4 4 unless $self->type->check($value)
198 64 135 if defined $error
203 5 347 if (@errors == 0 and my $validators = $self->addons->{'validators'})
207 4 5 unless (&$code($form, $value))
214 7 65 if (ref $error eq 'ARRAY' and $self->is_subform) { }
217 7 0 if (defined &blessed($exception) and $exception->isa("Form::Tiny::Error"))
221 4 3 if defined $exception->field