Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 40 67.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
89 5 0 3 $cp_options{'archive'} and $cp_options{'archive'} eq 'zip'
298 2 0 3 defined $write_options and defined $write_options->{'mode'}
316 2 1 2 defined $write_options && defined $write_options->{'line_separator'}
385 6 0 3 exists $instance->{'hostname'} and not exists $options{'hostname'}
388 5 4 0 exists $instance->{'ssh'} and not exists $options{'ssh'}
391 9 0 0 exists $instance->{'username'} and not exists $options{'username'}
394 9 0 0 exists $instance->{'sudo_command'} and not exists $options{'sudo_command'}
397 6 3 0 exists $instance->{'sudo_username'} and not exists $options{'sudo_username'}
400 9 0 0 exists $instance->{'pretty'} and not exists $options{'pretty'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
40 7 28 $batch_options || {}
91 0 3 $cp_options{'unzip_temp_file'} || ''
329 72 49 $options->get_ssh || 'ssh'
338 33 178 $wrap_options->{'command_separator'} || ';'
373 52 0 $hostname || 'localhost'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
361 4 48 159 defined $username or defined $hostname