Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 98 8.1

line true false branch
139 4 45 if ($Font::TTF::OS_2::field_info[$j] eq '')
145 0 45 unless defined $k and $k ne ''
163 0 2 unless $self->SUPER::read
165 1 1 unless defined $Font::TTF::OS_2::fields[2]{'xAvgCharWidth'}
169 2 0 if ($ver < 5)
189 0 2 unless $self->{' read'}
210 0 0 if ($key =~ /^ul(?:Unicode|CodePage)Range\d$/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'achVendID') { }
231 0 0 if ($tag =~ /^ul(?:Unicode|CodePage)Range\d$/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($tag eq 'achVendID') { }
270 0 0 unless $self->SUPER::update
284 0 0 if (($self->{'fsSelection'} & 128) != 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($table->{'Ascender'} != 0 or $table->{'Descender'} != 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'sTypoAscender'} != 0 or $self->{'sTypoDescender'} != 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'usWinAscent'} != 0 or $self->{'usWinDescent'} != 0) { }
311 0 0 if ($self->{'Version'} < 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'Version'} > 2) { }
323 0 0 unless $_
327 0 0 if $i
334 0 0 if ($i >= 65536)
341 0 0 if defined $self->{'ulCodePageRange1'} and $self->{'Version'} < 1
342 0 0 if defined $self->{'maxLookups'} and $self->{'Version'} < 2
344 0 0 if (exists $self->{' PARENT'}{'GPOS'} and $self->{' PARENT'}{'GPOS'}{' read'} or exists $self->{' PARENT'}{'GSUB'} and $self->{' PARENT'}{'GSUB'}{' read'})
349 0 0 if exists $self->{' PARENT'}{'GPOS'}
350 0 0 if exists $self->{' PARENT'}{'GSUB'}
351 0 0 $lp > $ls ? :
388 0 0 unless defined $cp_threshold
389 0 0 unless defined $u_threshold
393 0 0 unless (ref $Font::TTF::OS_2::codepages[0])
398 0 0 unless eval { do { require Compress::Zlib } }
402 0 0 unless $Font::TTF::OS_2::codepages[$j]
404 0 0 if $#{$Font::TTF::OS_2::codepages[$j];} < 128
411 0 0 unless $Font::TTF::OS_2::ranges[$j][2] =~ /^([0-9a-f]{4,6})-([0-9a-f]{4,6})$/io
414 0 0 unless $e > $s
420 0 0 if ($cp_threshold >= 0)
423 0 0 if $cp_threshold > 100
433 0 0 if $u == 65533
436 0 0 $j > 0 ? :
0 0 if $j > 0 ? $u == $Font::TTF::OS_2::codepages[0][$_] : $u > 127
438 0 0 if exists $ucmap->{$u} and $ucmap->{$u} > 0
442 0 0 $cp_threshold == 0 ? :
0 0 if $cp_threshold == 0 ? $present > 0 : $present * 100 / $total >= $cp_threshold
448 0 0 if ($u_threshold >= 0)
452 0 0 if $u_threshold > 100
459 0 0 if ++$j > $#Font::TTF::OS_2::ranges
461 0 0 if $u < $Font::TTF::OS_2::ranges[$j]{'start'}
462 0 0 if $ucmap->{$u}
468 0 0 $u_threshold == 0 ? :
0 0 if $u_threshold == 0 ? $count[$j] > 0 : $count[$j] * 100 / ($Font::TTF::OS_2::ranges[$j]{'end'} - $Font::TTF::OS_2::ranges[$j]{'start'} + 1) >= $u_threshold