Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 77 22.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
424 0 0 defined $c and scalar @$c

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
144 90 0 32 $pid == 1 and defined $Font::TTF::Name::apple_encodings[0][$eid]
90 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 2
90 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 2 and @Font::TTF::Name::cp_1252
0 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 1
188 90 0 32 $pid == 1 and defined $Font::TTF::Name::apple_encodings[1][$eid]
90 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 2
90 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 2 and @Font::TTF::Name::cp_1252
90 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 0
0 0 0 $pid == 2 and $eid == 1
316 0 0 0 $Font::TTF::Name::utf8 && ($pid == 0 || $pid == 3 || $pid == 2 && ($eid != 2 || @Font::TTF::Name::cp_1252) || $pid == 1 && defined $Font::TTF::Name::apple_encodings[$eid])
401 0 0 0 $c->[0] == $pid and $c->[1] == $eid
415 0 0 0 defined $cover[$c] and $cover[$c][0] == $pid
0 0 0 defined $cover[$c] and $cover[$c][0] == $pid and $cover[$c][1] == $eid
452 0 0 0 index(lc $langid, lc $lang) && index(lc $lang, lc $langid)
513 0 0 0 defined $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid] and not $ids{$pid}{$eid}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
144 0 90 0 $pid == 0 or $pid == 3
90 0 0 $pid == 0 or $pid == 3 or $pid == 2 and $eid == 1
188 0 90 0 $pid == 0 or $pid == 3
90 0 0 $pid == 0 or $pid == 3 or $pid == 2 and $eid == 1
217 100 0 188 $Font::TTF::Name::a->[0] <=> $Font::TTF::Name::b->[0] or $Font::TTF::Name::a->[1] <=> $Font::TTF::Name::b->[1]
100 0 188 $Font::TTF::Name::a->[0] <=> $Font::TTF::Name::b->[0] or $Font::TTF::Name::a->[1] <=> $Font::TTF::Name::b->[1] or $Font::TTF::Name::a->[2] <=> $Font::TTF::Name::b->[2]
259 0 0 0 $self->get_lang($pid, $lid) || $lid
285 0 0 0 $self->find_name($attrs{'platform'}, $attrs{'language'}) || $attrs{'language'}
411 0 0 0 not defined $lang or $self->match_lang($pid, $lid, $lang)
451 0 0 0 $lang != 0 or $lang eq '0'