Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 22 27.2

line true false branch
58 0 12 unless defined $k and $k ne ''
75 4 2 unless $self->SUPER::read
76 1 1 unless defined $Font::TTF::Hhea::fields{'Ascender'}
94 0 2 unless $self->{' read'}
129 0 0 unless $self->SUPER::update
130 0 0 unless defined $hmtx and defined $self->{' PARENT'}{'loca'}
141 0 0 if (defined $glyphs->[$i]) { }
145 0 0 if $aw > $maw
146 0 0 if $lsb < $mlsb or $i == 0
147 0 0 if $aw - $ext < $mrsb or $i == 0
148 0 0 if $ext > $mext