Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 3 65 4.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
227 0 0 5 defined $k and $k ne ''
267 188 0 0 defined $self->{' read'} and $self->{' read'} > 0
288 188 0 0 defined $self->{' read'} and $self->{' read'} > 1
467 0 0 0 $self->{'numberOfContours'} >= 0 and $key eq 'x' || $key eq 'y' || $key eq 'flags'
548 0 0 0 ($flag & 16) == 0 and $x < 256
0 0 0 ($flag & 16) == 0 and $x < 256 and $x > -256
553 0 0 0 ($flag & 32) == 0 and $y < 256
0 0 0 ($flag & 32) == 0 and $y < 256 and $y > -256
558 0 0 0 $i > 0 and $rflags[-1] == $flag
0 0 0 $i > 0 and $rflags[-1] == $flag and $repeat < 255
611 0 0 0 $comp->{'args'}[0] > -129 and $comp->{'args'}[0] < 128
0 0 0 $comp->{'args'}[0] > -129 and $comp->{'args'}[0] < 128 and $comp->{'args'}[1] > -129
0 0 0 $comp->{'args'}[0] > -129 and $comp->{'args'}[0] < 128 and $comp->{'args'}[1] > -129 and $comp->{'args'}[1] < 128
614 0 0 0 $comp->{'scale'}[1] == 0 and $comp->{'scale'}[2] == 0
625 0 0 0 defined $self->{'metric'} and $self->{'metric'} == $i
627 0 0 0 defined $self->{'instLen'} and $self->{'instLen'} > 0
647 0 0 0 defined $self->{'instLen'} and $self->{'instLen'} > 0
674 0 0 0 defined $self->{' read'} and $self->{' read'} > 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
483 0 0 Font::TTF::Utils::XML_binhint($self->{'hints'}) || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
467 0 0 0 $key eq 'x' || $key eq 'y' || $key eq 'flags'
618 0 0 0 $comp->{'scale'}[0] == 0 or $comp->{'scale'}[0] == 1
702 0 0 0 $comp->{'args'}[0] or $comp->{'args'}[1]