Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 72 87.5

line true false branch
68 2 9 unless $whatsit eq 'HASH'
73 24 3 if (defined $v) { }
80 8 1 if ($add_it)
95 12 72 if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq $negation)
100 12 72 if (not $add_missing_key || exists $$index_sets{$key}) { }
101 2 10 $negated ? :
105 10 62 if $negated
114 20 27 if (not reftype $query_clauses) { }
116 1 19 if defined $reduce_list
118 2 17 if $err
121 1 26 unless $query_clauses and (reftype $query_clauses // '') eq 'HASH' and keys %$query_clauses
123 2 7 unless not $reduce_list or (reftype $reduce_list // '') eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$reduce_list
138 9 43 if ($whatsit and $whatsit eq 'ARRAY') { }
159 13 28 if ($reduce_list) { }
166 22 8 unless ($seen{$seen_key})
167 6 16 $key_count > 1 ? :
188 1 18 unless $query
196 17 95 if ($name eq 'EOI')
198 6 11 if (@clause and $in_reduce) { }
11 0 elsif (@clause) { }
206 2 93 if $name eq 'COMMA'
208 56 37 if ($name eq 'QUOTED_STRING') { }
5 32 elsif ($name eq 'AND') { }
4 28 elsif ($name eq 'OR') { }
17 11 elsif ($name eq 'EQUAL') { }
5 6 elsif ($name eq 'NOTEQUAL') { }
6 0 elsif ($name eq 'REDUCE') { }
209 5 51 $negated ? :
210 4 52 if ($in_or) { }
211 4 0 unless reftype($clause[-1])
218 0 5 if $in_reduce or scalar @clause != $expected_length
222 0 4 if $in_reduce or scalar @clause != $expected_length
225 0 17 if $in_reduce or scalar @clause != $expected_length - 1
227 0 5 if $in_reduce or scalar @clause != $expected_length - 1
230 0 6 if $in_reduce
232 6 0 if @clause