Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 54 53.7

line true false branch
238 0 0 unless (defined $args{'testfile'} or -x $lmutil)
254 1 0 if (@args == 1)
263 0 1 if (defined $self->{'lm_license_path'})
267 1 0 if (defined $args{'all'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'feature'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'daemon'}) { }
277 1 0 if (defined $self->{'testfile'}) { }
278 0 1 unless open $fh, $self->{'testfile'}
280 0 0 if $self->{'verbose'}
285 0 98 if $self->{'verbose'}
288 1 97 if (my($server, $server_status) = /^\s*([\w.-]+): license server (\S+)/) { }
3 94 elsif (my($vendor, $state) = /^\s*(\S+?): (.*)/) { }
11 83 elsif (/^Users of (\S+):\s*\(Total of (\d+) licenses? issued;\s*Total of (\d+) lic/) { }
36 47 elsif (my($clientinfo, $version, $serverhost, $port, $handle, $rest) = m[^\s+(.+) \(v([\d\.]+)\) \(([^/]+)/(\d+) (\d+)\), start (.*)]) { }
4 43 elsif (my($reservations, $type, $group) = /^\s+(\d+)\s+RESERVATIONs? for ([\w_]+) ([\w_-]+) /) { }
290 1 0 if ($server_status eq 'UP') { }
300 0 3 if $vendor eq 'vendor_string'
303 3 0 if ($state =~ /^UP v([\d.]+)/) { }
328 4 32 if (@parts == 2) { }
28 4 elsif (@parts == 3) { }
336 1 3 if ($parts[$max - 2] eq $parts[$max - 1]) { }
344 3 0 if ($parts[$i] =~ m[^[:/]])
354 0 3 unless (defined $user)
363 1 35 if ($rest =~ /^([^,]+), (\d+) license/) { }
399 0 0 unless $args{$arg}
403 0 0 if (defined $self->{'lm_license_path'})
408 0 0 if $self->{'verbose'}