Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 94 34.0

line true false branch
27 0 28 if $$self{'data'}{$name}
55 0 584 if $$self{'data'}{$name}
61 1 583 if ($template eq 'varstr') { }
62 1 0 if ($type eq 'PascalStringWin32') { }
67 0 2 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
74 0 2 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
90 0 583 if (substr($template, 0, 3) eq 'U0C') { }
93 0 0 unless $nbytes == $template_length
105 0 4243 unless $nbytes == $template_length
141 536 14257 unless ($$fields[2 * $i + 1])
157 0 14257 if $$self{'data'}{$name}
159 93 14164 if ($template eq 'object') { }
655 13509 elsif ($template eq 'varstr') { }
208 13301 elsif ($template eq 'string') { }
14 13287 elsif ($template eq 'windows_time') { }
164 655 0 if ($type eq 'PascalStringWin32') { }
168 0 655 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
175 0 655 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
187 66 142 if (substr($type, 0, 6) eq 'ASCIIZ') { }
142 0 elsif (substr($type, 0, 9) eq 'UTF-16-LE') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($type, 0, 9) eq 'UTF-16-BE') { }
190 0 66 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
197 0 142 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
211 0 14 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
219 0 13287 unless $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
222 29 13258 if (substr($template, 0, 3) eq 'U0C') { }
273 0 0 unless exists $arg{'header'}
279 0 0 if ($arg{'filter'})
284 0 0 if ($arg{'style'} and $arg{'style'} eq 'html') { }
0 0 elsif ($arg{'style'} and $arg{'style'} eq 'wiki') { }
286 0 0 if $arg{'header'}
288 0 0 $arg{'relative'} ? :
292 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY')
295 0 0 if ($type eq 'RawBytes')
300 0 0 if $len > 16
314 0 0 if $arg{'header'}
316 0 0 $arg{'relative'} ? :
321 0 0 if ($self->item($key)->{'type'} eq 'UTF16LE' and substr($value, 0, 2) eq "\000\000")
324 0 0 if (length $value > 20)
328 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY')
331 0 0 if ($type eq 'RawBytes')
336 0 0 if $len > 16
349 0 0 $arg{'relative'} ? :
353 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY')
356 0 0 if ($type eq 'RawBytes')
361 0 0 if $len > 16
380 0 0 if (substr($key, 0, 4) eq 'unkn') { }