Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 57 72 79.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
255 8 687 7368 not $self->_filehandle->eof and $continue
272 6207 42 215 $field eq 'A' and $header{$object{'header'}}{$field} eq 'address'
6211 14 24 $field eq 'S' and $header{$object{'header'}}{$field} eq 'splits'
5966 213 46 $field eq 'E' || $field eq '$' and $csplit
2645 42 3492 $field eq 'B' and $header{$object{'header'}}{$field} eq 'budget'
302 39 170 6 exists $object{$header{$object{'header'}}{$field}} and $object{$header{$object{'header'}}{$field}} ne ''
350 75 0 7291 not $line =~ /^!/ and exists $$self{'header'}
75 7150 141 not $line =~ /^!/ and exists $$self{'header'} and $$self{'header'} eq 'Type:Prices'
410 13 4 6 exists $header{$header}{'S'} and $header{$header}{'S'} eq 'splits'
427 0 0 3 exists $$record{'symbol'} and exists $$record{'prices'}
429 0 0 44 exists $$price{'close'} and exists $$price{'date'}
0 4 40 exists $$price{'close'} and exists $$price{'date'} and exists $$price{'max'}
4 0 40 exists $$price{'close'} and exists $$price{'date'} and exists $$price{'max'} and exists $$price{'min'}
4 0 40 exists $$price{'close'} and exists $$price{'date'} and exists $$price{'max'} and exists $$price{'min'} and exists $$price{'volume'}
0 0 4 exists $$price{'close'} and exists $$price{'date'}
469 976 24 3 $$self{'currentheader'} eq 'Type:Memorized' and $value eq 'transaction'
531 225 0 3 $$self{'currentheader'} eq 'Type:Memorized' and exists $$record{'transaction'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
167 1 24 $opt{'debug'} || 0
168 8 17 $opt{'autodetect'} || 0
169 1 24 $opt{'trim_white_space'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
170 4 0 21 $opt{'record_separator'} || $/
272 6596 0 0 exists $header{$object{'header'}} || exists $header{'split'} && ($object{'header'} eq 'noninvestment' || $object{'header'} eq 'memorized')
232 27 5966 $field eq 'E' || $field eq '$'
469 228 3 1003 $value eq 'header' or $value eq 'splits'
231 0 1003 $value eq 'header' or $value eq 'splits' or $$self{'currentheader'} eq 'Type:Memorized' and $value eq 'transaction'