Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 138 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1057 0 0 0 exists $Finance::IG::a->{$key} and exists $Finance::IG::b->{$key}
1064 0 0 0 $x1 eq $x1 + 0 and $x2 eq $x2 + 0
1190 0 0 0 defined $dealReference and length $dealReference > 5
1321 0 0 0 $ms ne 'TRADEABLE' and not $ignoretradeable
1351 0 0 0 defined $dealReference and length $dealReference > 5
1479 0 0 0 defined $resolution and 0 == grep({$resolution eq $_;} 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'HOUR_2', 'HOUR_3', 'HOUR_4', 'MINUTE', 'MINUTE_10', 'MINUTE_15', 'MINUTE_2', 'MINUTE_3', 'MINUTE_30', 'MINUTE_5', 'MONTH', 'SECOND', 'WEEK')
1738 0 0 0 $code == 403 and $retried < 4
2021 0 0 0 defined $up and ref $up eq ''
0 0 0 defined $up and ref $up eq '' and not defined $down
2023 0 0 0 defined $up and ref $up ne 'CODE'
2031 0 0 0 defined $up and $v1 > $up
2032 0 0 0 defined $down and $v1 < $down
2033 0 0 0 defined $up and $v1 > $up * 5
2034 0 0 0 defined $down and $v1 < 5 * $down
2038 0 0 0 defined $up and ref $up eq 'CODE'
2070 0 0 0 $self->col and defined $INC{'Term/'}
2073 0 0 0 $self->col and defined $INC{'Term/'}
2103 0 0 0 $self->col and defined $INC{'Term/'}
2105 0 0 0 $self->col and defined $INC{'Term/'}
2138 0 0 0 defined $item and $item ne ''
0 0 0 defined $item and $item ne '' and exists $position->{$item}
0 0 0 defined $item and $item ne '' and exists $position->{$item} and defined $position->{$item}
2143 0 0 0 $item eq 'dbid' and exists $INC{'Term/'}
0 0 0 $item eq 'dbid' and exists $INC{'Term/'} and $self->col
2161 0 0 0 $item eq 'dbid' and defined $INC{'Term/'}
0 0 0 $item eq 'dbid' and defined $INC{'Term/'} and $self->col
2193 0 0 0 $len and $len < length $s
0 0 0 $len and $len < length $s and $len >= 1
2199 0 0 0 $self->col and defined $INC{'Term/'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
236 0 0 $client->responseHeader('CST') // die('No CST header in login response')
237 0 0 $client->responseHeader('X-SECURITY-TOKEN') // die('No X-SECURITY-TOKEN in login response header')
296 0 0 $from //= ''
297 0 0 $to //= ''
380 0 0 $pageNumber //= ''
383 0 0 $from //= ''
384 0 0 $to //= ''
423 0 0 $pageSize //= ''
868 0 0 $totals{$position->{'instrumentName'}} ||= []
937 0 0 $sortlist //= ['-profitpc', 'instrumentName']
1013 0 0 $sortlist //= ['-profitpc', 'instrumentName']
1445 0 0 $pagesize //= 1
1947 0 0 $position->{'marketStatus'} //= ''
2133 0 0 $1 // ''
2199 0 0 &$colsub($position) // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
889 0 0 0 $position->{'instrumentName'} //= $subtotal->{'instrumentName'}
897 0 0 0 $position->{'bid'} //= $subtotal->{'bid'}
899 0 0 0 $position->{'epic'} //= $subtotal->{'epic'}
901 0 0 0 $position->{'currency'} //= $subtotal->{'currency'}
902 0 0 0 $position->{'marketStatus'} //= $subtotal->{'marketStatus'}
2078 0 0 0 not defined $position or $position eq ''
2160 0 0 0 $self->fetch($position, $item) // $self->uds