Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 96 0.0

line true false branch
16 0 0 if ref $param_hr ne 'HASH'
35 0 0 unless exists $self{$opt}
39 0 0 if (not $type and stat $param_hr->{$opt})
41 0 0 if ($param_hr->{$opt} =~ / [.] csv \z/imsx) { }
54 0 0 if ($type eq 'ARRAY')
60 0 0 if (ref $self{$opt}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self{$opt} =~ /\A [%] /msx) { }
0 0 elsif ($self{$opt} =~ /\A \d /msx) { }
64 0 0 if $type ne ref $self{$opt}
69 0 0 unless $param_hr->{$opt} =~ / [%][a-z] /imsx
74 0 0 unless $param_hr->{$opt} =~ /\A \d+ (?: [.] \d+ )? \z/msx
81 0 0 if 0 == @{$self{'transaction_types'};}
84 0 0 if @{$self{'recent_history'};} < 1 + @{$self{'transaction_types'};}
107 0 0 unless $category
126 0 0 unless @{$self->{'transactions'};}
136 0 0 unless exists $self->{'chokepoints'}
154 0 0 if (@{$self->{'recent_history'};})
166 0 0 unless $csv->parse(lc $header)
174 0 0 if 0 == grep({$_ eq 'date';} @cols)
177 0 0 if 0 == grep({$_ eq 'description';} @cols)
186 0 0 if $type ne 'ARRAY' and $type ne 'CODE'
190 0 0 if ($type eq 'CODE') { }
192 0 0 if &$categorizer($event_hr)
200 0 0 if $event_hr->{'description'} =~ /$regex/imsx
211 0 0 if exists $self->{'categorizer'}{$category}
218 0 0 unless $cents
221 0 0 if 1 == grep({$amount eq $_;} values %{$event_hr;})
230 0 0 unless $csv->parse($event_csv)
240 0 0 unless $category
243 0 0 if ref $base_date_for{$category}
250 0 0 if $err
263 0 0 if ref $base_date_for{$category}
270 0 0 if $err
281 0 0 unless ref $base_date_for{$category}
285 0 0 if ($type_hr->{'category'} eq $category)
324 0 0 unless exists $except_hr->{$field}
332 0 0 if $err
346 0 0 if exists $amount_for{$exception_key}
363 0 0 $width < length $category ? :
398 0 0 if ($event_hr->{'category'} eq $major_income) { }
0 0 elsif ($event_hr->{'category'} eq $major_payment) { }
400 0 0 if ($major_payment_hit)
447 0 0 $cents < 0 ? :
453 0 0 if ($cents < 99) { }
531 0 0 if $self->{'markup'}
558 0 0 unless exists $param_hr->{'chokepoints'}
568 0 0 unless @{$self->{'chokepoints'};}
585 0 0 unless @{$self->{'chokepoints'};}