Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 32 0.0

line true false branch
106 0 0 unless $image_check and $phrase_check
128 0 0 /id="([0-9a-f]{32}|\{[0-9A-F-]{36}\})"\s+value="([^"]+)"/ ? :
142 0 0 unless $junk{$_}
163 0 0 if $$self{'_accounts'}
225 0 0 unless $response->is_success
257 0 0 if $p{'day_change'} =~ /-/
258 0 0 if $p{'change'} =~ /-/
265 0 0 if $p{'description'}
282 0 0 $$_{'change'} =~ /-/ ? :
320 0 0 $to ? :
321 0 0 $from ? :
349 0 0 unless $response->is_success
354 0 0 if ($ofx =~ /Unable to process transaction/)
382 0 0 if $$invlist{'buystock'}
383 0 0 if $$invlist{'sellstock'}
384 0 0 if $$invlist{'reinvest'}