Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 176 55.1

line true false branch
71 0 0 if $i->{'readonly'}
79 1 0 unless $self->site
80 1 0 unless $self->https_host
86 0 0 if $self->logged_in
87 0 0 unless $self->username
88 0 0 unless $self->password
96 0 0 unless $mech->content =~ /LoginForm/
109 0 0 if $mech->content =~ m[<font class="errorMessage">(.+?)</font>]
110 0 0 if $mech->content =~ /<frame\s.+Welcome/
111 0 0 if $mech->content =~ m[<font class="alert">(\w.+?)</font>]
112 0 0 if $mech->content =~ /LoginForm/
122 0 0 unless $mech->content =~ /SELAMAT DATANG/
133 0 0 unless $self->logged_in
144 0 0 if $retrieve
149 0 0 unless $ct =~ m[<select name="fromAccountID">(.+?)</select>]is
164 0 0 if (not $account or $_ eq $account)
188 0 0 unless $mech->content =~ />Informasi Saldo(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*:\s*(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*(?:Rp\.)&nbsp;([0-9.]+),(\d+)\s*</s
213 0 0 unless ($start_date)
214 0 0 if (defined $args{'days'}) { }
248 0 0 if $mech->content =~ />Keterangan Transaksi</
249 0 0 if $mech->content =~ m[<font class="alert">(.+)</font>]
256 0 0 if not $resp or $resp->[0] != 200
262 3 4 if ($page =~ /(?:^|"header">)(HISTORI TRANSAKSI|MUTASI REKENING)/m) { }
1 3 elsif ($page =~ /^CMS-Mandiri/ms) { }
1 2 elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201901/mx) { }
1 1 elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201103/mx) { }
1 0 elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201107/mx) { }
291 3 4 if ($self->_variant eq 'ib') { }
1 3 elsif ($self->_variant eq 'cms') { }
3 0 elsif ($self->_variant =~ /^mcm/) { }
307 0 3 unless ($page =~ /Tampilkan Berdasarkan(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Tanggal(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Urutkan Berdasarkan(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Mulai dari yang kecil/s)
313 0 3 unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Nomor Rekening(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)(\d+) (Rp\.|[A-Z]+)/m)
317 3 0 $2 eq 'Rp.' ? :
319 0 3 $page =~ />Tidak ditemukan catatan</ ? :
322 0 3 unless ($empty_stmt or $page =~ /(?:|>)Saldo Akhir(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)\d/m)
337 0 3 unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Periode Transaksi(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)(\d\d?) ($shortmon_re) (\d\d\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d\d?) ($shortmon_re) (\d\d\d\d)/m)
340 0 3 unless $shortmon{$2}
341 0 3 unless $shortmon{$5}
347 0 3 if ('DateTime'->compare($stmt->{'start_date'}, $today) == 1)
350 0 3 if ('DateTime'->compare($stmt->{'end_date'}, $today) == 1)
354 0 3 if ($empty_stmt) { }
358 0 3 unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Total Kredit(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)([0-9,.]+)[.,](\d\d)/m)
363 0 3 unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Total Debet(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)([0-9,.]+)[.,](\d\d)/m)
377 0 1 unless ($page =~ /^- End Of Statement -/m)
381 0 1 unless ($page =~ /^Account No\s*:\s*(\d+)/m)
386 0 1 unless ($page =~ /^Account Name\s*:\s*(.+?)[\012\015]/m)
391 0 1 unless ($page =~ /^Currency\s*:\s*([A-Z]+)/m)
398 0 1 unless ($page =~ m[Period\s*:\s*(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)/(\d\d\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)/(\d\d\d\d)]m)
406 0 1 if ('DateTime'->compare($stmt->{'start_date'}, $today) == 1)
409 0 1 if ('DateTime'->compare($stmt->{'end_date'}, $today) == 1)
427 0 3 unless $page =~ /$re_tx/mx
432 1 2 $+{'date_y'} < 100 ? :
437 0 3 unless $page =~ /.*$re_tx/s
439 1 2 $+{'date_y'} < 100 ? :
450 3 4 if ($self->_variant eq 'ib') { }
1 3 elsif ($self->_variant eq 'cms') { }
3 0 elsif ($self->_variant =~ /^mcm/) { }
469 0 3 if $page =~ />Tidak ditemukan catatan</
476 1 2 unless (@e)
502 3 3 if ($db == 0) { }
3 0 elsif ($cr == 0) { }
506 3 3 if (not $last_date or 'DateTime'->compare($last_date, $tx->{'date'})) { }
518 0 6 if ($seq > 1 and $tx->{'description'} =~ /^Reversal \(Error Correction\)/ and $tx->{'amount'} == -$tx[-1]{'amount'}) { }
539 0 1 if ($page =~ /<br|<p/i)
562 2 1 $e->{'montx'} < $stmt->{'start_date'}->mon || $e->{'montx'} == $stmt->{'start_date'}->mon && $e->{'daytx'} == $stmt->{'start_date'}->day ? :
569 1 2 $e->{'monbk'} < $stmt->{'start_date'}->mon || $e->{'monbk'} == $stmt->{'start_date'}->mon && $e->{'daybk'} == $stmt->{'start_date'}->day ? :
572 2 1 $e->{'amtc'} eq 'C' ? :
573 0 3 $e->{'balc'} eq 'C' ? :
576 2 1 if (not $last_date or 'DateTime'->compare($last_date, $tx->{'date'})) { }
597 1 2 $self->_variant =~ /^mcm-v201901/ ? :
598 1 2 $self->_variant =~ /^mcm-v201901/ ? :
604 1 13 if $skip_header and $i == 1
605 0 13 unless /\S/
606 0 13 unless /$re_tx/mx
617 5 8 $+{'date_y'} < 100 ? :
618 5 8 if defined $+{'desc3'}
619 9 4 if ($+{'amount_cr'}) { }
622 5 4 if ($num_formatted) { }
629 6 3 $cr ? :
631 2 2 $+{'amount_dbmarker'} ? :
633 8 5 if (defined $+{'bal'})
634 0 8 $+{'bal_dbmarker'} ? :
646 0 13 unless $row->{'account'} eq $stmt->{'account'}
648 0 13 unless $row->{'currency'} eq $stmt->{'currency'}
657 7 6 $row->{'desc2'} ? :
1 12 $row->{'desc3'} ? :
661 5 8 if (not $last_date or 'DateTime'->compare($last_date, $tx->{'date'})) { }