Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
27 0 4 unless $args{$_}
31 0 2 unless (ref $args{'on_read'} and ref $args{'on_read'} eq 'CODE')
35 0 2 unless my $inotify = 'Linux::Inotify2'->new
74 2 1 if ($event->IN_MODIFY)
75 0 2 unless open my $fh, '<', $event->fullname
84 0 2 unless close $fh
87 1 2 if ($event->IN_MOVE_SELF)
100 1 1 if ($event->IN_MOVED_FROM and $event->fullname eq $$self{'file'})
103 1 1 if ($event->IN_CREATE and $event->fullname eq $$self{'file'})