Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 82 37.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
379 0 0 $letter = $try_letter and last LETTER

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
72 0 0 0 $request and ref($request) =~ /^Apache2/l
215 1 0 0 $ini_marker and $end_marker
317 1 0 8 $cache_entry && $cache_entry->{'mtime'} == $mtime
375 8 1 0 not @letters and $self->{'method'} eq 'POST'
411 9 0 0 $self->{'cfg'}->get('application_useFileCache') and $open_mode eq '<'
414 0 0 0 $cache_entry and $cache_entry->{'mtime'} == $mtime
496 0 0 13 $allow && !$deny
794 1 0 0 $is_adding and $self->{'cfg'}->get('fields_autoNum')
833 0 0 0 $field eq $key_field and $val ne $self->key($record)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
217 0 0 $cfg->get('highlightClass') || 'HL'
293 9 0 $req->user || 'Anonymous'
344 9 0 $self->param('max') || 500
345 9 0 $self->param('count') || 50
368 8 1 $letters[0] || 'H'
485 0 10 $allow ||= '*'
637 3 0 $self->{'search_string_orig'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
113 0 1 0 $tmp || "$app->{'name'}.txt"
173 0 1 0 $self->{'template_root'} || $self->app_tmpl_default_dir
305 0 9 0 $mod_perl && $mod_perl->document_root || $env->{'CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT'} || $env->{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}
0 9 0 $self->{'app_root'} ||= $mod_perl && $mod_perl->document_root || $env->{'CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT'} || $env->{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}
311 0 9 0 $mod_perl && $mod_perl->filename || $env->{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} || $env->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} || $self->{'app_root'} . $req->script_name . $path_info
346 0 0 9 $self->param('orderBy') || $self->param('sortBy')
385 3 6 0 $$entry{$self->{'method'}} || $entry
386 0 7 2 $self->param('V') || $phases->{'view'}
493 13 0 0 $self->user_match($_) || /\$(\S+)\b/il && defined $record && defined $record->{$1} && $self->user_match($record->{$1})
542 9 0 0 $self->{'cfg'}->get("template_$view") || $default_tmpl
660 0 2 1 $self->param('start') || ($self->{'results'}{'count'} ? 1 : 0)
671 0 0 3 ($self->{'cfg'}->get('permissions_read') || '') =~ /\$/l || ($self->{'cfg'}->get('permissions_no_read') || '') =~ /\$/l
766 1 0 0 $defaults->{$auto_num} ||= $self->{'data'}{'autoNumChar'}