Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 75 144 52.0

line true false branch
72 0 0 if ($request and ref($request) =~ /^Apache2/l) { }
78 0 0 if $request
103 0 1 if ($tmp = $app->{'cfg'}->get('application_dir'))
109 0 1 if $tmp = $app->{'cfg'}->get('application_name')
117 0 1 if ($tmp = $app->{'cfg'}->get('application_class'))
118 0 0 unless eval "require $tmp"
119 0 0 unless $tmp->isa($app->{'class'})
134 0 187 unless $fmt =~ /no such variable/l
184 0 1 unless $app->{'tmpl'} = 'Template'->new({'INCLUDE_PATH', \@tmpl_dirs, 'FILTERS', $self->app_tmpl_filters, 'EVAL_PERL', 1})
215 1 0 unless $ini_marker and $end_marker
288 0 9 unless my $path_info = $req->path_info
299 0 9 if $input->isa('Apache2::RequestRec')
314 0 9 unless my $mtime = (stat $app_file)[9]
318 1 8 unless ($app_initialized)
329 1 8 unless $app_initialized
365 0 9 unless @letters <= 1
375 0 9 if (not @letters and $self->{'method'} eq 'POST')
379 0 0 if defined $letter_arg
401 0 9 unless my $mtime = (stat $open_src)[9]
404 0 9 if (my $fmt = $self->{'cfg'}->get('application_mtime'))
408 2 7 $self->{'op'} =~ /delete|update/l ? :
411 0 9 if ($self->{'cfg'}->get('application_useFileCache') and $open_mode eq '<')
414 0 0 unless ($cache_entry and $cache_entry->{'mtime'} == $mtime)
415 0 0 unless open my $fh, $open_src
432 0 9 if $jFile
453 12 59 $self->{'method'} eq 'POST' ? :
456 10 61 unless defined $param_name
460 9 52 if $val
464 8 44 if (@vals)
485 10 3 if $action =~ /^(read|search|download)$/l
488 13 13 unless $_
519 8 1 if $method = $self->{'pre'}
522 5 4 if $method = $self->{'op'}
525 2 7 if $self->{'msg'}
536 0 9 unless my $view = $self->{'view'}
540 0 9 $view eq 'download' ? :
546 0 9 if $view eq 'download'
552 0 9 unless $self->{'app'}{'tmpl'}->process($tmpl_name, $vars, \$body)
575 0 4 unless $self->can_do('read')
577 0 4 unless $key
597 0 3 unless $self->can_do('search')
608 0 3 if $self->{'search_string'} =~ /^\s*$/l
613 0 3 unless my $parsedQ = $qp->parse($self->{'search_string'}, '+')
618 0 3 unless eval { do { $filter = $self->{'data'}->compileFilter($parsedQ) } }
651 0 3 if ($self->{'orderBy'})
652 0 0 unless eval { do { my $cmpfunc = $self->{'data'}->ht->cmp($self->{'orderBy'}); $self->{'results'}{'records'} = [(sort $cmpfunc @{$$self{'results'}{'records'};})] } }
663 0 3 if $start_record > $end_record
665 2 1 $self->{'results'}{'count'} ? :
672 0 3 if ($must_loop_on_records) { }
674 0 0 unless $self->can_do('read', $record)
679 0 3 unless $self->can_do('read')
690 3 0 if $prev_idx < 1
691 0 3 if $start_record > 1
695 1 2 if $next_idx <= $self->{'results'}{'count'}
722 0 1 if $req->parameters->{'orderBy'}
723 0 1 if $req->parameters->{'count'}
742 3 0 unless $self->{'logger'}
759 0 1 unless $self->can_do('add')
765 1 0 if (my $auto_num = $self->{'data'}{'autoNumField'})
781 0 1 unless $found->{'count'} == 1
787 0 1 $is_adding ? :
790 0 1 unless $self->can_do($permission, $record)
794 0 1 if ($is_adding and $self->{'cfg'}->get('fields_autoNum'))
805 0 1 $is_adding ? :
810 0 1 $is_adding ? :
812 0 1 unless (eval { do { $self->{'data'}->splices($line_nb, $to_delete, $record) } })
832 4 0 unless defined $val
833 0 0 if ($field eq $key_field and $val ne $self->key($record))
841 0 1 if $user_field
865 0 1 unless $found->{'count'} == 1
872 0 1 unless $self->can_do('delete', $record)
905 0 0 unless $self->can_do('download')