Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 58 0.0

line true false branch
68 0 0 if defined $smbconf
127 0 0 if (exists $GLOBAL{$param})
192 0 0 if (exists $GLOBAL{$param})
228 0 0 if (grep /$partage_section/, @partages)
230 0 0 if (grep /$nom_section/, @temp)
308 0 0 if (grep /$partage/, @partages) { }
354 0 0 if (not grep(/$partage/, @keys)) { }
397 0 0 if (grep /$partage_modif/, @partages) { }
436 0 0 if (grep /$part/, @partages)
439 0 0 if ($partages[$i] eq $part)
482 0 0 if (grep /$partage/, @partages) { }
484 0 0 if (exists $detail{$partage}) { }
532 0 0 if (defined $fic_sauve and $smb ne $fic_sauve) { }
545 0 0 if ($#keys_new >= 0)
560 0 0 if ($det_part{$_key}{$_section} =~ /^yes$|^no$/i)
567 0 0 unless open FICSMB, '>', $smb
579 0 0 if ($#keys_global >= 0) { }
584 0 0 if ($global{$key_global} =~ /^yes$|^no$/i)
597 0 0 if ($#keys_detail_part >= 0) { }
603 0 0 if ($det_maj =~ /^yes$|^no$/i)
637 0 0 if (-z $name)
638 0 0 unless open FICSMB, $name
667 0 0 if ($ligne =~ /\[/ and not $ligne =~ /\[global\]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($#SHARES >= 0 and not $ligne =~ /^\s*$|^;|^\t*;|^\s*;|^#|^\t*#|^\s*#/) { }
687 0 0 if ($valeur eq '' or $valeur eq ' ')
726 0 0 if ($smb[$i] eq '[global]')
728 0 0 if (grep /\[/, $smb[$j]) { }
733 0 0 if (not $smb[$j] =~ /^;/ || $smb[$j] =~ /^#/ and grep /=/, $smb[$j])
739 0 0 if ($valeur_section eq '' or $valeur_section eq ' ')