Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 50 68.0

line true false branch
57 2 643 if /^#/
59 642 0 if ($cmd and $vers and $st)
64 1 642 if /__END__/
69 1 0 if (@_)
98 1 1 if (@_)
101 0 1 if $ver < 2 or $ver > 3
125 0 0 if ($section eq 'global') { }
155 0 0 if ($section eq 'global') { }
225 0 1 if ($share eq 'global')
229 1 0 unless exists $$self{'_section'}{$share}
257 1 1 if (@_)
261 1 0 if ($$self{'_VALID'}{'section'}{"v$version"}{$param}) { }
295 1 1 if (@_)
299 1 0 if ($$self{'_VALID'}{'global'}{"v$version"}{$param} or $$self{'_VALID'}{'section'}{"v$version"}{$param}) { }
333 0 1 unless -e $file
343 43 71 if /^;|^#/
344 0 71 if /^\s+$/
345 9 62 if length $_ <= 1
350 4 58 if /^;/
351 1 57 if (/\[global\]/i) { }
4 53 elsif (/\[(\w+)\]/) { }
365 32 21 if ($isGlobal) { }
371 0 32 if ($v3 and not $v2)
378 17 4 if ($$self{'_section'}{$lastSection}) { }
443 0 0 if ($skey eq 'homes' or $skey eq 'printers')