Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 108 184 58.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
581 0 16 27 defined $rfile and -e $rfile
766 0 0 29907 exists $seconds{$t} and $n =~ /^\d+$/
904 0 534 0 @$other_recent and &_bigfloatlt($other_recent->[-1]{'epoch'}, $oldest_allowed)
910 90 772 2020 @$my_recent and &_bigfloatlt($my_recent->[-1]{'epoch'}, $oldest_allowed)
923 26168 3104 24 $self->interval eq 'Z' and $oev->{'type'} eq 'delete'
29272 0 24 $self->interval eq 'Z' and $oev->{'type'} eq 'delete' and not $self->keep_delete_objects_forever
947 15570 23132 24024 @$other_recent_filtered and &_bigfloatge($other_recent_filtered->[0]{'epoch'}, $my_recent->[0]{'epoch'})
954 812 43556 12 defined $last_epoch and $event->{'epoch'} eq $last_epoch
1011 5246 226 11886 $merged and $into = $merged->{'into_interval'}
5472 697 11189 $merged and $into = $merged->{'into_interval'} and defined $self->_interval
1114 0 1 2 $self->_current_tempfile and not $self->_current_tempfile_fh
1159 552 40 0 $rec and $rec->{'recentepoch'}
1365 0 0 33 ref $path and ref $path eq 'ARRAY'
1391 0 0 0 $self->_my_ignore_link_stat_errors and join($", @err) =~ /^ rsync: \s link_stat /x
1423 0 0 0 $self->_my_ignore_link_stat_errors and join($", @err) =~ /^ rsync: \s link_stat /x
1450 7887 0 33 $rfile and -s $rfile
1608 2406 0 0 $options->{'max'} and @$re > $options->{'max'}
1690 20 0 23 $old_dirtymark and $new_dirtymark
20 18 5 $old_dirtymark and $new_dirtymark and $new_dirtymark ne $old_dirtymark
1850 0 0 0 $max_rsync_errors >= 0 and $no_success_count >= $max_rsync_errors
2059 1971 2 0 $self->verbose and @$batch > 1
2071 1973 0 0 $console and not $i % 50
2103 1935 0 38 defined $dirty_epoch and &_bigfloatgt($now, $dirty_epoch)
2110 922 0 1051 $merged->{'epoch'} and not $setting_new_dirty_mark
2119 424 0 1549 defined $path and $path =~ s/^\Q$lrd\E//
2183 0 0 0 $memo_splicepos <= $#$recent && $epoch
2245 41 0 21 $self->_uptodateness_ever_reached and not $self->seeded
2265 0 0 18 defined $mtime and defined $minmax->{'mtime'}
0 18 0 defined $mtime and defined $minmax->{'mtime'} and $mtime > $minmax->{'mtime'}
2313 3241 128114 0 defined $Last_epoch and &_bigfloatge($recent->[$i]{'epoch'}, $Last_epoch)
2325 0 1999 0 @$recent && exists $recent->[0]{'epoch'}
2328 0 626 0 @$recent && exists $recent->[-1]{'epoch'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
827 0 3697 $self->locktimeout || 600
877 862 0 $other->recent_events || []
886 862 0 $self->recent_events || []
898 862 0 $other->dirtymark || 0
772 90 $self->dirtymark || 0
903 534 0 $merged->{'epoch'} || 0
919 29296 0 $oev->{'epoch'} || 0
1065 0 3241 $ret->{'Producers'} ||= {'File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile', "$VERSION", '$0', $0, 'time', &Time::HiRes::time()}
1234 1372 0 $self->max_files_per_connection || 42
1818 29 0 $self->rsync_options || {}
1926 33 10 $self->have_mirrored || 0
2069 0 0 $File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile::b->{'epoch'} || 0
0 0 $File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile::a->{'epoch'} || 0
2108 1973 0 $recent ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
423 376 348 456 $option{'force'} or $i == 0
760 13654 17399 0 $interval ||= $self->interval
929 4182 1392 23698 not $myepoch or &_bigfloatgt($oevepoch, $myepoch)
945 51502 15570 812 @$other_recent_filtered or @$my_recent
947 4346 0 62726 not @$my_recent or @$other_recent_filtered and &_bigfloatge($other_recent_filtered->[0]{'epoch'}, $my_recent->[0]{'epoch'})
971 90 188 534 not $self->dirtymark or $other->dirtymark ne $self->dirtymark
1069 3198 43 0 $ret->{'dirtymark'} ||= &Time::HiRes::time()
1126 0 0 18 not $success or $@
1188 0 18 0 -l _ or not -d _
1253 0 0 12 not $success or $@
1534 0 0 7769 $err or not $data
1587 624 1782 0 0 != $first_item or -1 != $last_item
2008 1549 0 424 defined $path or defined $type
1549 0 424 defined $path or defined $type or defined $dirty_epoch
2096 1549 0 424 defined $path or defined $type
1549 0 424 defined $path or defined $type or defined $dirty_epoch
2135 0 38 0 not defined $merged->{'epoch'} or &_bigfloatlt($epoch, $merged->{'epoch'})
2177 0 0 38 not exists $recent->[0] or &_bigfloatgt($epoch, $recent->[0]{'epoch'})
2324 126 1873 1242 not defined $minmax->{'max'} or &_bigfloatlt($minmax->{'max'}, $recent->[0]{'epoch'})
2327 126 500 2615 not defined $minmax->{'min'} or &_bigfloatlt($minmax->{'min'}, $recent->[-1]{'epoch'})