Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 46 86.9

line true false branch
60 116 20 unless $result
62 19 0 ref $_[0] ? :
19 1 wantarray ? :
71 178 58 unless $result
73 11 0 ref $_[0] ? :
11 47 wantarray ? :
102 1 8 if ($args->{'has_headers'})
115 0 0 if defined $args->{'max_rows'} and @{$all_lines;} and @{$all_lines;} >= $args->{'max_rows'}
119 10 80 if ($args->{'has_headers'}) { }
122 0 10 if (my(%skips) = is_hash($args->{'skip_list'}))
131 8 72 unless $ref
134 1 71 if (not $args->{'keep_list'} and is_array($args->{'skip_list'}))
145 9 63 if ($args->{'keep_list'})
154 45 37 if (is_array($column_keys))
156 4 41 unless (@{$column_keys;})
163 45 37 if ($column_keys)
165 9 36 if (my(%skips) = is_hash($args->{'skip_list'}))
173 9 73 if (my(@hooks) = is_array($args->{'hooks'})) { }
9 64 elsif (my(%hooks) = is_hash($args->{'hooks'})) { }
178 18 18 unless is_code($hooks[$col])
186 0 9 unless @{$column_keys;}
189 18 18 unless is_code($hooks{$column_name})
196 45 37 $column_keys ? :