Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 59 90 65.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
355 13 73 90 $fstype ne 'VMS' and $fstype ne 'URL'
86 28 62 $fstype ne 'VMS' and $fstype ne 'URL' and $nofile
378 124 47 5 $fstype eq 'Win32' and $volume =~ /^($sepRE)$sepRE/
171 5 0 $fstype eq 'Win32' and $volume =~ /^($sepRE)$sepRE/ and $directory eq ''
411 6 6 0 $volume ne '' and not $volume =~ /:$/
414 2 8 2 $directory ne '' and not $directory =~ /^\[.*\]$/
421 10 99 0 $directory ne '' and $fstype eq 'URL' || $filename ne ''
41 39 19 $directory ne '' and $fstype eq 'URL' || $filename ne '' and not $directory =~ /$sepRE$/
431 95 0 14 $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^${sepRE}{2}/ || $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m[[^:/]$] and not $volume =~ /$sepRE$/
44 12 2 $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^${sepRE}{2}/ || $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m[[^:/]$] and not $volume =~ /$sepRE$/ and not $directory =~ /^$sepRE/
12 2 0 $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^${sepRE}{2}/ || $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m[[^:/]$] and not $volume =~ /$sepRE$/ and not $directory =~ /^$sepRE/ and $directory ne '' || $filename ne ''
506 18 5 18 not defined $directory_path and @_
639 43 4 0 $base_file ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
646 0 0 0 $base_volume eq '' and $cw_volume ne ''
660 16 2 53 @pathchunks and @basechunks
18 12 41 @pathchunks and @basechunks and $pathchunks[0] eq $basechunks[0]
667 9 1 35 @pathchunks and @basechunks
10 7 28 @pathchunks and @basechunks and lc $pathchunks[0] eq lc $basechunks[0]
698 25 3 19 $path_directory ne '' and $base_directory ne ''
749 0 0 0 $path_volume ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
758 0 0 0 $base_file ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
765 0 0 0 $base_volume eq '' and $cw_volume ne ''
775 0 0 0 $base_directory ne '' and $path_directory ne ''
832 111 20 27 $trailing_sep ne '' and not $in =~ /$sepRE$/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
421 47 11 41 $fstype eq 'URL' || $filename ne ''
431 5 0 104 $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^${sepRE}{2}/ || $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m[[^:/]$]
2 0 0 $directory ne '' || $filename ne ''
518 0 0 52 $directory_path =~ /$sepRE$/ or /^$sepRE/
633 0 0 47 not defined $base or $base eq ''
752 0 0 0 not defined $base or $base eq ''