Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 14 64.2

line true false branch
35 1 2 unless $data =~ / \Q$start\E /msx and $data =~ / \Q$end\E /msx
37 2 0 if ($data =~ / ^ .* \Q$start\E .* $ # start marker ((?s: .*? )) # existing content ^ .* \Q$end\E .* $ # end marker /mx) { }
60 1 1 unless ($data =~ /$start/ and $data =~ /$end/)
87 0 1 if $data =~ / \Q$start\E /msx and $data =~ / \Q$end\E /msx
89 1 0 if ($data =~ / ( \A (?s: .* ) ) ( ^ .* $placement .* $ (?s: .* ) \z ) /mx) { }
123 0 1 if $data =~ / \Q$start\E /msx and $data =~ / \Q$end\E /msx
125 1 0 if ($data =~ / ( \A (?s: .* ) ^ .* $placement .* $ ) ( (?s: .* ) \z ) /mx) { }