Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 77 106 72.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
26 231 1 9 @_ == 1 and &blessed($_[0])
232 9 0 @_ == 1 and &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa($class)
63 115 0 698 &blessed($object) and $object->isa($class)
87 28 0 3 $args{'relabel'} and my $label = $self->label
90 28 0 3 $args{'parent'} and my $parent = $self->group
123 62 0 2 $CLONE{'reference_password'} || $CLONE{'reference_username'} and $self->can("strings")
231 0 0 5 @path and $base_addr == &Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($path[0]) || $path[0]->is_root
256 0 1 2 $kdbx and $kdbx->recycle_bin_enabled
1 1 1 $kdbx and $kdbx->recycle_bin_enabled and not $self->is_recycled
268 1 1 2 $self->group && &any(sub { $_->is_recycle_bin; } , @{$self->lineage;})
296 520 6 0 @_ == 1 and XXX
411 659 331 39 &blessed($orig) and $orig->isa("File::KDBX::Object")
431 0 0 11 &blessed($orig) and $orig->isa("File::KDBX::Object")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
37 73 168 $data // {}
77 3 27 ($args{'new_uuid'} // $args{'parent'}) // 0
78 18 13 $args{'entries'} // 1
79 17 14 $args{'groups'} // 1
80 19 12 $args{'history'} // 1
81 0 31 $args{'reference_password'} // 0
82 1 30 $args{'reference_username'} // 0
276 0 0 trim($self->tags) // ""
297 329 178 $self->{'custom_data'} //= {}
324 6 0 $self->custom_data(@_) // (return undef)
344 1 16 $args{'entries'} // 0
0 17 $args{'groups'} // 0
0 17 $args{'history'} // 0
388 69 84 $TXNS{$_[0]} //= []
428 329 48 shift() // (return)
429 329 0 &Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($orig) // ""
108 221 delete $REFS{$id}{&Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($orig) // ""} // (return $orig)
462 44 8 $SIGNALS{$_[0]} //= []
472 2 12 $self->_signal_stack->[-1] // []
484 81 0 shift() // []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 0 116 0 $args{'kdbx'} //= $kdbx
77 1 3 27 $args{'new_uuid'} // $args{'parent'}
123 0 2 62 $CLONE{'reference_password'} || $CLONE{'reference_username'}
231 0 5 0 $base_addr == &Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($path[0]) || $path[0]->is_root
302 17 0 2 $args{'key'} or $args{'value'}
340 2 17 0 $args{'snapshot'} // do { my $c = $self->clone("entries", $args{'entries'} // 0, "groups", $args{'groups'} // 0, "history", $args{'history'} // 0); $c->{'entries'} = $self->{'entries'} unless $args{'entries'}; $c->{'groups'} = $self->{'groups'} unless $args{'groups'}; $c->{'history'} = $self->{'history'} unless $args{'history'}; $c }
401 1 31 0 $orig // $self
411 310 0 1029 XXX or &blessed($orig) and $orig->isa("File::KDBX::Object")
431 78 0 11 XXX or &blessed($orig) and $orig->isa("File::KDBX::Object")