Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 63 55.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
77 7 0 8 $self->kdbx->version < 262144 && defined $meta->{'header_hash'}
140 3 0 0 defined $binary->{'ref'} and defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{'ref'}}
210 0 0 0 $icon->{'uuid'} and $icon->{'data'}
340 3 0 0 defined $binary->{'ref'} and defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{'ref'}}
502 675 152 104 $type eq "datetime" and $self->compress_datetimes
513 121 0 0 ref $_[0] and not defined $_->[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
25 0 7 $_[0]{'binaries'} //= scalar &$default($_[0])
26 0 2 $_[0]{'compress_binaries'} //= undef
27 104 152 $_[0]{'compress_datetimes'} //= undef
32 26 8 $_[0]{'_binaries_written'} //= {}
71 15 0 $self->kdbx->user_agent_string // "File::KDBX::Dumper::XML"
227 26 0 shift() || {}
436 24 21 $string->{'value'} || ''
535 0 46 shift() // (return "null")
540 144 0 shift() // (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
24 6 6 0 $_[0]{'allow_protection'} //= $default
34 6 6 0 $_[0]{'random_stream'} //= $_[0]->kdbx->random_stream
77 8 0 7 $self->kdbx->version < 262144 || $self->binaries
180 0 2 0 $should_compress || !defined($should_compress)
187 0 0 2 $should_compress or length $compressed < length $$value
330 0 45 0 $string->{'key'} // $key
440 12 0 33 $string->{'protect'} || $memory_protection->{$memprot_key}
513 16 0 121 not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] and not defined $_->[0]
541 122 22 0 &looks_like_number($_) or &isdual($_)