Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 48 85.4

line true false branch
23 1 12 if @_ < 2
25 1 11 @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
27 9 3 unless exists $param->{'sizecheck'}
28 2 10 if exists $param->{'tells'}
30 4 8 if ($param->{'fscheck'})
34 1 6 unless my(@devino) = (stat $f)[0, 1]
37 2 1 if ($statbuf[0][0] == $statbuf[1][0] and $statbuf[0][1] == $statbuf[1][1])
39 1 1 if exists $param->{'reason'}
48 4 5 if ($param->{'sizecheck'} and (-s $files[0] // -1) != (-s $files[1] // -2))
50 2 2 if exists $param->{'reason'}
56 7 1 if (not defined &reftype($f)) { }
57 1 6 unless open my $fh, "<", $f
64 3 4 if (exists $param->{'binmode'})
65 1 2 unless binmode $fhs[-1], $param->{'binmode'}
69 0 3 if exists $param->{'RS'}
77 1 17 if $eof1 and $eof2
78 1 16 if ($eof1 xor $eof2)
79 1 0 if exists $param->{'reason'}
81 1 0 if exists $param->{'tells'}
86 0 16 unless defined $this
88 0 16 unless defined $that
90 1 15 if ($this ne $that)
92 1 0 if exists $param->{'tells'}
93 1 0 if exists $param->{'reason'}