Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 146 204 71.5

line true false branch
202 0 21 unless ($$self{'cmd_gzip'})
237 0 0 unless GetOptions $rh_params, 'conf=s', 'taskname|task=s', 'dryrun', 'verbose', 'help'
249 0 0 if ($$rh_params{'help'})
253 0 0 unless ($$rh_params{'conf'})
257 0 0 if ($$rh_params{'dryrun'})
296 0 20 unless (-e $config_file)
307 0 2120 unless (exists $allowed_values{$key})
314 0 2120 if (not $can_symlink and $key eq 'enable_symlinks_integrity_in_path' || $key eq 'keep_if_linked_in') { }
335 0 800 unless (exists $$self{'_rhh_task_configs'}{$taskname}{$ckey})
350 20 0 if ($$self{'params'}{'taskname'})
351 20 0 if (grep {$_ eq $$self{'params'}{'taskname'};} @a_all_tasknames) { }
394 24 0 if ($taskname)
410 0 24 unless (-d $path)
420 0 24 if ($all_or_nothing_path and not -d $all_or_nothing_path)
431 0 24 if ($all_or_nothing_path and index($all_or_nothing_path, $path) < 0)
444 8 16 $max_days ? :
456 10 14 if $path_symlink
465 1 23 if ($all_or_nothing_path)
473 4 20 if ($path_backup)
474 0 4 unless ($self->_ensure_path($path_backup))
487 24 0 if ($path)
537 18 0 if (-d $f)
570 28 89 if (my $f_target = readlink $f)
584 20 8 if (-d $f_target)
585 20 0 if ($f_target = $self->_path_check($f_target))
621 0 202 if (not $path) { }
643 18 17 if exists $$rh_delete_once_empty{'paths'}{$path}
659 0 18 if (not $path) { }
680 144 1111 if exists $$rh_never_delete{'paths'}{$path}
693 0 2473 unless ($path)
695 29 2444 if (-l $path)
706 2441 3 -e $path ? :
754 18 6 if ($recursive) { }
764 373 0 unless (exists $summary{$dir})
779 87 1172 if ($symlinks_integrity)
785 1254 5 if (not $will_check_integrity)
789 971 283 if (not exists $empties{$f})
802 747 0 if ($action eq 'delete' and -f $f || -l $f)
826 12 361 if (not $prune_empty) { }
43 318 elsif ($self->_never_delete_contains($rh_never_delete, $dir)) { }
24 294 elsif ($ndel < $nf) { }
850 84 210 if ($dont_del_pattern)
857 0 294 if ($matches) { }
863 0 294 if (not defined $d_time) { }
11 283 elsif ($$self{'keep_above_epoch'} and $d_time >= $$self{'keep_above_epoch'}) { }
876 60 223 $self->_is_folder_empty($dir) ? :
900 373 0 if (my $f_parent = $self->_parent_path($dir))
919 0 21 if ($symlinks_integrity)
924 21 0 unless ($will_check_integrity)
936 1 0 if (-d $f and $prune_empty and $self->_is_folder_empty($f) and not $self->_never_delete_contains($rh_never_delete, $f) and !$$self{'keep_above_epoch'} || (stat $f)[9] <= $$self{'keep_above_epoch'})
1009 99 893 if (-d $f and not -l $f)
1016 101 792 if ($self->_never_delete_contains($$rh_params{'never_delete'}, $f)) { }
1027 50 742 if ($pattern)
1036 43 749 if ($dont_del_pattern)
1044 11 781 if (not $file_must_be_considered) { }
1048 20 761 if ($file_must_be_kept) { }
1057 1 760 if (not defined $f_time) { }
3 757 elsif ($$self{'keep_above_epoch'} and $f_time >= $$self{'keep_above_epoch'}) { }
1070 8 749 if ($backup_path) { }
1081 893 0 if ($action)
1106 1270 2577 defined $add_to_top ? :
1109 1230 2617 if ($add_to_top) { }
1135 0 288 unless opendir my $dh, $dirname
1136 1135 288 if $_ ne '.'
1164 1015 255 if ($action eq 'delete') { }
8 247 elsif ($action eq 'backup') { }
1168 0 1015 if ($self->dryrun) { }
1193 8 0 if ($self->_ensure_path($to))
1198 6 2 if ($backup_gzip and $$self{'cmd_gzip'})
1202 3 3 if ($from and not $from =~ /[.](gz|tgz)$/i and not readlink $from) { }
1210 0 3 if ($self->dryrun) { }
1228 0 8 if ($self->dryrun) { }
1233 0 8 unless (move($from, $to_file))
1249 3 9 unless (-e $path and -d $path)
1252 0 3 if $@
1255 0 12 unless (-e $path and -d $path)
1322 2 1265 if (exists $$rh_symlinks{$f})
1330 3 0 $action eq 'nothing' ? :
1333 3 0 unless (exists $symlinks_marked{$sym_cparent})
1351 1264 3 if (not exists $symlinks_marked{$f}) { }
1368 3 0 if (scalar @sym_nothing) { }
1374 3 0 if $f_parent
1403 1 23 $rh_delete_once_empty ? :
1406 374 896 if (-d $f and not -l $f)
1410 16 358 if ($$rh_undelete_dirs{$f})
1416 16 0 if $f_parent
1431 23 1 unless $rh_delete_once_empty
1440 9 31 if ($propagate_action)
1442 5 4 index($f, $propagate_action) == 0 ? :
1451 4 31 if (not $propagate_action and $self->_delete_once_empty_contains($rh_delete_once_empty, $f) and $action eq 'nothing')
1462 5 35 if ($propagate_action and $f ne $propagate_action)
1493 0 424 unless ($f_path)
1503 0 424 unless ($directories)
1505 0 0 if (-e 'File::Spec'->catpath($volume, $cwd, $file)) { }
1544 5 82 if (my $sym_target = readlink $sym_path)
1546 3 2 unless (exists $$rh_symlinks{$sym_target_cpath})
1574 50 127 if ($pattern =~ m[^/(.*)/$])
1584 0 24 if (not scalar keys %$rh_never_delete) { }
1599 0 1 if (not scalar keys %$rh_delete_once_empty) { }
1616 0 24 if (not $ra_plan && scalar @$ra_plan) { }
1636 0 2643 if $self->verbose
1664 0 0 if ($message) { }