Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 95 52.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
780 0 0 carp('File::Assets', '::filter_clear($type) is deprecated, nothing happens') and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
329 108 7 0 defined $$asset{'type'} and $$asset{'type'} =~ /$rankish/
109 6 0 defined $$asset{'rank'} and not $$asset{'rank'} =~ /$rankish/
345 0 0 110 defined $path and length $path
359 105 0 4 @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
406 4 0 2 @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
431 86 0 7 defined $name && length $name
580 120 0 6 defined $media and length $media
706 0 29 11 $scheme and ref $scheme ne 'ARRAY'
737 36 0 0 blessed $cache and $cache->isa('File::Assets::Cache')
772 1 0 1 blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa('File::Assets::Filter')
824 1 0 0 defined $condition_signature and $condition_signature ne '*'
1 0 0 defined $condition_signature and $condition_signature ne '*' and $condition_signature ne $signature
826 0 0 1 length $condition_kind and $condition_kind ne '*'
835 0 0 0 $condition_kind and $condition_kind->is_better_than($best_kind)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
240 16 20 $_{'output_path'} || $_{'output_path_scheme'} || []
258 1 32 $_{'filter'} || $_{'filters'} || $_{'filter_scheme'} || []
758 1 27 $$self{'filter_scheme'}{$name} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
235 0 36 0 $_{'rsc'} || $_{'base_rsc'} || $_{'base'}
236 0 0 0 $_{'uri'} || $_{'base_uri'}
0 0 36 $_{'uri'} or $_{'base_uri'}
237 0 0 0 $_{'dir'} || $_{'base_dir'}
0 0 36 $_{'dir'} or $_{'base_dir'}
264 0 1 15 $minify eq 1 or $minify =~ /^\s*(?:minifier-)?best\s*$/i
329 0 0 115 defined $$asset{'type'} and $$asset{'type'} =~ /$rankish/ or defined $$asset{'rank'} and not $$asset{'rank'} =~ /$rankish/
346 1 2 107 ref $path eq 'SCALAR' or $path =~ /^\s*</
356 104 4 8 not @_ or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
403 4 2 11 not @_ or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
467 51 1 0 $asset->type->type eq 'application/javascript' or $asset->type->type eq 'application/x-javascript'
52 0 0 $asset->type->type eq 'application/javascript' or $asset->type->type eq 'application/x-javascript' or $asset->type->type =~ /\bjavascript\b/
602 85 100 0 $bucket{$kind->kind} ||= 'File::Assets::Bucket'->new($kind, $self)
807 44 0 1 $condition eq '*' or $condition eq 'default'
835 45 0 0 not $best_kind or $condition_kind and $condition_kind->is_better_than($best_kind)