Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 95 146 65.0

line true false branch
236 0 36 if $_{'uri'} or $_{'base_uri'}
237 0 36 if $_{'dir'} or $_{'base_dir'}
238 0 36 if $_{'base_path'}
244 36 0 unless exists $_{'cache'}
245 36 0 if $_{'cache'}
263 16 20 if (my $minify = $_{'minify'})
264 1 15 if ($minify eq 1 or $minify =~ /^\s*(?:minifier-)?best\s*$/i) { }
0 15 elsif ($minify =~ /^\s*yui-?compressor:/) { }
0 15 elsif ($minify =~ /\.jar/i) { }
1 14 elsif ($minify =~ /^\s*(?:minifier-)?xs\s*$/i) { }
0 14 elsif ($minify =~ /^\s*minifier\s*$/i) { }
14 0 elsif ($minify =~ /^\s*concat\s*$/i) { }
329 0 115 if (defined $$asset{'type'} and $$asset{'type'} =~ /$rankish/ or defined $$asset{'rank'} and not $$asset{'rank'} =~ /$rankish/)
334 0 0 if defined $type
335 0 0 if defined $rank
343 110 0 if (ref $_[0] ne 'HASH')
345 0 110 unless defined $path and length $path
346 3 107 if (ref $path eq 'SCALAR' or $path =~ /^\s*</) { }
350 1 106 if $self->exists($path)
356 108 8 if not @_ or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
359 4 105 if @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
403 6 11 if not @_ or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
406 2 4 if @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
429 37 56 if @_
431 7 86 defined $name && length $name ? :
449 60 0 unless defined $format
452 60 0 if ($format eq 'html') { }
467 74 52 if ($asset->type->type eq 'text/css') { }
52 0 elsif ($asset->type->type eq 'application/javascript' or $asset->type->type eq 'application/x-javascript' or $asset->type->type =~ /\bjavascript\b/) { }
469 66 8 if (not $asset->inline) { }
480 50 2 if (not $asset->inline) { }
489 0 0 if $asset->inline
518 0 0 keys %{$self->_registry_hash;} ? :
531 1 215 exists $self->_registry_hash->{$key} ? :
566 0 109 if $self->exists($asset->key)
577 126 62 if ('File::Assets::Util'->same_type('css', $type))
580 6 120 if defined $media and length $media
592 6 54 if (defined $type) { }
607 31 29 unless $$filter_scheme{'*'}
614 8 61 if length $category > length $kind
615 50 11 unless 0 == index($kind, $category)
653 0 39 unless @_
654 36 3 1 == @_ ? :
655 0 39 unless $base
668 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
681 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
697 0 2 defined $_[0] ? :
706 11 29 if ($scheme and ref $scheme ne 'ARRAY')
736 36 0 if ($cache) { }
737 36 0 unless blessed $cache and $cache->isa('File::Assets::Cache')
748 20 8 if (@_ == 1) { }
756 8 20 $kind ? :
761 27 1 unless (blessed $_filter)
762 0 27 unless $_filter = 'File::Assets::Util'->parse_filter($_filter, @_, 'assets', $self)
772 1 1 if (blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa('File::Assets::Filter'))
780 0 1 if @_
795 0 56 if $default
803 0 45 if (ref $condition eq 'CODE') { }
45 0 elsif (ref $condition eq '') { }
804 0 0 unless defined($result = &$condition($kind, $signature, $best_kind))
807 0 45 if ($condition eq $key) { }
44 1 elsif ($condition eq '*' or $condition eq 'default') { }
813 0 44 $best_kind ? :
819 1 44 unless (defined $result)
824 0 0 if defined $condition_signature and $condition_signature ne '*' and $condition_signature ne $signature
826 1 0 if (length $condition_kind and $condition_kind ne '*')
830 0 1 unless 'File::Assets::Util'->same_type($condition_kind->type, $kind->type)
835 45 0 if (not $best_kind or $condition_kind and $condition_kind->is_better_than($best_kind))
839 0 45 unless defined $result
844 45 0 if ($result > 0) { }
849 0 0 unless defined $action{$_}
863 0 45 ref $action eq 'CODE' ? :
881 0 56 unless my $output_path = $self->output_path($filter)